Sunday, November 19, 2017

What's behind the "Take a knee" Idiocy Will Really Scare America

 I think all of these players and America is being duped by the real agenda that BLM has. They are strongly backed by Guess Who?. CAIR [Council on American-Islamic Relations , a front for many muslim Brotherhood Terrorist organizations] and the Muslim Brotherhood international Terrorists. 

In 1991 CAIR [AKA Muslim Brotherhood} put out their strategy for destroying America. It is what they call a "Civilization-Jihadist Process".
They go to say, "The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…” 

See if it reads like today's headlines? : Destroy American National pastime like football and other National sports that are linked to Patriotism. Getting other factions [like BLM] to do their dirty work of subversion, dissension, and fostering bigotry.
Why are so many racially motivated riots taking place in major cities? Much  of that hatred had been dealt with years ago, and both sides retreated, and agreed to act civil toward each other. Blacks got many of the concessions they asked for over the years.   

In CAIR terms " “[W]e must possess a mastery of the art of ‘coalitions’, the art of ‘absorption’ and the principles of ‘cooperation.’” I.E. Use American  existing factions to fracture and pit Americans against Americans. One of their tactics is to peel the scab off the Racial wounds that were healing until Obama got into power with the help of the Muslims. Note that most of his staff were islamists if not outright MB.

To that end a vast number of BLM members were recruited from prison where they were brainwashed by muslims who created the Black Muslim movement . Prisons allowed this infiltration and Muslim propaganda because CAIR sold Wardens and the Feds on the idea of reducing prison violence by introducing the population to "the religion of Peace" . Since 60% of the prison population is Black, they were able to foster black/white racism, and give the prisoners a reason to join islam with the common goal of being a part of the Civilization-Jihad Process laid out by CAIR's anti American teachings. 

The Islamist teach that under their system , which they tout as superior to American democracy everyone will be equal.  A prominent FBI investigator who followed the rise of the stealth Jihad in America said, "yes we will all be equal, Equally subservient to the Iman's who rule islam".  

BLM through CAIR and the MB got to Kapernick, and helped him become the point man for this "Take knee to distrspect American values" stupidity. It is quite a coup for the MB since as usual they do this giant "Sneak Play on the NFL and the American people who do not even realize they are being duped by the "Muslim Brotherhood's Strategic Plan for America." 

In the attached document you will see this is all very sneaky and under the Radar because CAIR never gets openly involved yet"“…the Movement must plan and struggle to obtain “the keys” and the tools of this process in carry out [sic] this grand mission as a ‘Civilization Jihadist’ responsibility.” 

A major part of their attempt to dominate American Culture is to show that islam is superior to our constitution and our way of life. They want to prove our system is corrupt, unfair and inferior to their system. They intend to prove to America that Sharia Law [ which condones beheadings, Removal of hands and feet, Death to all Homosexuals, and subservience of all women using rape and Female Genetle Mutilation [FGM]  all of this is ' in their minds superior to our US Constitutional law of equal justice and innocence until proven guilty. 

They preach that we are to become subjugated to their way of life.  In fact their way of life is 7th century barbaric Tribalism of a blood cult which they want to foist on modern day America.

They go on to say that, ..“Enablement of Islam in North America, meaning: establishing an effective and a stable Islamic Movement led by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative, and supports the global Islamic State wherever it is.” What better way to do that than to destroy one of our national past times , Weekend and Monday Night Football?

They have devised a stealth way of pitting American against American by having black team members [which are about 60%] unwittingly participate in an un-American action at the beginning of one of America's most dominant past times.

 If America and the predominantly black players continue to fall for the propaganda CAIR is filling their heads with, CAIR will prevail in their Strategic Plan for America." The irony is that if they succeed all of America will "Take a knee" with a Jihadist behind each of us ready to cut off the heads of those foolish enough to 'take a knee'

Friday, November 10, 2017

Is Islam and Sharia really superior to our Constitutional principle of Inalienable Rights?

This is a response to an excrpt in this article quesioning wether European Culture is begining to succomb to Islam: See link below my comments.

In the Old Testament they also openly practiced slavery like the muslims do today.

During the pre-Christian era Pagans also sacrificed humans to their false gods. All conquered people were considered slaves with no rights of a citizen. With your fuzzy liberal logic it would mean that we should revert to primitive barbaric neanderthal practices like Polygamy, human sacrifice Female Genital mutilation, beheading, stoning, death to all gays and a host of primitive practices.

Is that what you are proposing?

Over the years since Abraham two things took place that you may have missed: First, Jesus Christ returned to fulfill the Scriptures and provide mankind with God's forgiveness and Love. Second, freedom loving people over the centuries followed His creed and created human rights laws to protect us from these "Darwinian Survival of the fittest atrocities ".

IN our lifetime, the US is the foremost bastion on earth of those human rights. I have to admit at this point in our history these freedoms are being strained by evil powers like some of our own people, and fools falling in with the seductive charms of islam, which is the antipathy of these inalienable rights to freedom.

These basic ideals upon which America was founded are being trampled on by a string of politicians and judges who believe their personal preferences are above the law. They are not.

However, since this time last year American is now headed in a more positive direction in preserving our fundamental heritage and in rebuffing previous political calls to make "fundamental" changes to our history, morality and beliefs. You are welcome to come on board or to sit in the dust on the sidelines and watch US values be revived once more.

Swedes fall prey to seductive siren of Polygamy

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

One Year Anniversary of President Trumps Victory for America

I just wanted to take a brief moment to reflect on the victory America won exactly one year ago. All of the Main Media Outlets are openly bemoaning the election of one of the greatest presidents to ever occupy the White House. A great President who is savvy, wise, well prepared, Decisive, cunning, and brave. A good man who is bringing back respect and wholesomeness to America.
My comment will stand in stark contrast to the nay-saying and gnashing of teeth by the  Lame Stream Media who can only stand in the darkness and wail, on this historic day. They can only play reruns of their tears and long faces when after two long years of calling President Trump names and degrading him for every thing he said and did. All the while they were reporting to the public false information that Clinton , their queen and mistress of liberalism was soon to be crowned their monarch.
                                                                 BZZZZ !
In the wee hours of this historic day one year ago, it all came crashing down on them. All the lies and deceptions, all the pontificating, and bluster; all their efforts to prop up their corrupt Clinton Crime Family Cartel were finalized in one succinct Retort : 
                                                        NEW YORK TIMES

                                                        TRUMP TRIUMPHS
           Outsider Mogul Captures the Presidency,  Stunning Clinton in Battleground States

 Today I can feel the Libs and snowflakes going into the fetal position and crying. This is the one year anniversary of their tiny bubble bursting. Now they see a magnificent World leader on stage being very presidential and they thought their Dragon Lady heading up the Clinton Crime Family Cartel was the only one in America who could fill that role. Also this comes at a time when all lines are converging on their ultimate investigation and prosecution. Wow there is no liberal Snowflake I know who can wrap their heads around these times. President Trump revered by world leaders making monumental pro American deals; standing tall and proud on the World Stage, while Hillary, Obama and all their crooked mobsters under investigation; standing in the shadows of dark days ahead. To quote Rob Duvall in "Apocalypse Now": as the war is going on around him; guns blasting; bombs exploding   "..Don't you just love that smell of napalm in the morning... you know the smell... it smells like Victory."

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Why Preserve Statues and Monuments Honoring America's Heritage

I am writing today to answer the question that was asked in this article:

Is Destroying the Legacy of American Heros Right or Wrong?

This article is totally bias toward the left view that America has only a cultural legacy of immoral and political corruption. It fails t give balance to the real meaning behind America’s cultural heritage. Why we are who we are goes beyond politics, war and forced domination over others. The real roots of America is in our Judeo-Christian heritage and beliefs. The founders are not honored in statues and monuments because they won wars or were the dominant political force of their time. These men are a part of the legacy of Americas belief in Jehovah God, the One True God. They were inspired by God to create this nation, and to throw off the old legacy system of Kings as as their ruler. They truly rebelled against the thought of one man or one political power ruling over them. They rejected the notion that the King owned them and their land. They were intent and inspired by God to create a governing document that reflected and paralleled the main document that guided their daily lives: The Bible.
All of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Christians or Jews who read the Bible and believed in the uncontested validity of the WORD. Anyone who looks at the Constitution can draw a parallel to many passages of the Bible. The concept of individual freedom and equality is the presiding theme of the Constitution, just as it is in the Holy Scriptures. The foundation of the very laws our founders created is based on the Ten Commandments. It is why we see those commandments etched in stone in Monuments and court houses throughout America. We honor these men for these principles upon which they created the Declaration of Independence. the Constitution, and the Legal system of America. This is a system unique to America, and there is nothing like it anywhere in the world.

No man is perfect. The only perfect man who ever walked the earth is Jesus. Thus, it is easy to find fault with the men who founded America. In the 1700’s there were many practices that have since been corrected in our society and way of doing things. The main objection to dishonoring the men who gave us our current freedoms by creating America with God’s inspiration is that some participated in the practice of having workers which we call slaves today. In the 1700’s and for thousands of years prior, it was common practice to pay for others to work for you. [We do the same today but on different terms]

This practice was not exclusively preserved for people of color. Many of the early settlers came to America as Indentured Servants. These were ordinary people from England, France, the Netherlands, Ireland and other countries on the Continent. They were mixed races and cultures.  Some may have been  'Colored freemen'. People of color  who gained their freedom in Europe but wanted to go to America where after a two to five year as 'indentured' whey would be able to be free again. This caused a lot of confusion in the 'colonies' especially since some of the 'freemen' opted to serve in the Continental army under General Washington and the 'Revolutionaries'.
For centuries it had been normal practice in African nations to take people captive during Tribal wars. These ‘defeated tribes’ then became the property of the victor and were totally subjugated to the victors. In order to pay for the cost of the tribal war, some of those captured were sold to others. In the normal thinking of people in the 1700’s there was not much of a difference between an Indentured Servant and a Tribal worker. Both were seen as a means of production. Both came at a price, and both were expected to work for their keep. In return they received housing, food and protection from personal harm. Contrary to popular belief owners did not mistreat their workers.  Yes there was the psychological and moral pressure of 'being owned and not being able to have freedom of movement. However, daily life consisted of working in the fields or other agricultural work, and the possibility of working as a service provider in the owner's home.
I want to impress upon the reader that this was not a moral practice. However, it was a common practice. The irony is that in the end it was the Constitution and the American Justice system that reversed these early practices of Indentured Servitude and Slavery. In one case the Indentured Servant ‘volunteered’ for service. They understood their master paid for their voyage to America, and paid for all of their needs while they worked for that master. They were not much different than modern day workers who come here on EB-2, EB-3, Eb-2 or L-1 visas, except current “guest workers” are not usually housed, fed and clothed by the employer. Now they have to pay their own way.
As to the people who were designated as slaves, they did not come as volunteers but as vanquished tribes who were defeated by other tribes. The Dutch and the Berbers and the muslims were the market place for these people, and as is the practice throughout most Muslim countries today. Yes don't look surprised that muslims are the biggest slave owners n the world. Follow ISIS to see that they take captured women and sexually abuse them, then sell them off as sex slaves. They money they generate goes to pay for the Jihad war efforts.
Then, as now ;[ as proclaimed in Sharia and the Koran]  they were “sold into life long servitude” to merchants who would market them to others for profit. Most nations did away with this practice in the 1800’s, yet in most muslim nations it is common practice. For the most part, the practice in a world that was turning toward industrialization found that it was too costly to house, feed and clothe someone to work for you as farm hand. It was less expensive to hire someone to work for you for the day. You eliminated lots of overhead, and in return you got a willing worker who needed less supervision. However, you then needed Capitalization to make this work, but that’s another whole topic we will not get into here.

So the real question here is should the Leaders and Visionaries who created this nation with a unique Constitution and Laws based on Biblical Principles be honored or scorned?
A reasonable person who is liberal enough to take into consideration the factual situation that existed at the time of Americas Formative years should focus more on the Constitution’s long term effect in correcting the human condition as it existed in 1770 during our Revolution. People who claim to be liberal in their thinking may want to look at Jefferson and Washington more as the founders who’s long term efforts brought about the abolition of slavery by creating a founding document that Stated every man has “Inalienable rights” that is rights given to us by God. Every man is equal under the Law, meaning that even if we are not equal in strength, in intellect or financially when we come before our justice system we are just as equal as a stronger, smarter or wealthier person. That is the true intent of the people who founded America. It is that Intent and the effort and sacrifice these men made to create this nation that we honor with these statues, plaques, and portraits.

Removing Statues. Plaques or Portraits or defacing or tearing them down says that their efforts to create Freedom, Liberty and equal justice under the law was all in vain. If we cannot honor the men who created the very system that protects us, we will soon lose that system and fall back into a greater chaos or be fooled into going back to a system where we are under the control of a One World Government where the individual has no rights