Saturday, November 26, 2016


For too many years we have had politicians like obama, bowing down to the Saudi Royal Family, and strengthening the madmen Ayatollahs of Iran. These weak politicians fear that the Saudi's will do another 1973 oil embargo. They feared the threat of the deeply disturbed radicals of ISIS. President Trump is not as stupid and uninformed, or as weak as his predecessors. He knows that if the phony regulations imposed by previous leaders[via EPA] who were illegally influenced by muslim lobbyists were lifted, the US can go toe to toe against the energy czars in Saudi Arabia. We have that power, but obama tied the hands of US energy producers so that his Arab buddies could continue to keep US artificially OIL DEPENDENT on these radical islamist terrorists both in Arabia and Iran.

The real struggle in the middle east is political and economic; not religious.

Sure the Royal family SUNNI Wahhabists believe they are the direct descendants of Muhammad, and should be the dominant islamists. This leads them to force their beliefs[subjugate] all other people groups who practice islam. Yet that is only one of their methods of subjugating the rest of the middle east people.
On the other side you have Iran Shiis who base their claim over all muslims in the world. The Shiites believe they are the one true religion of Muhammad. The west primarily got involved in this struggle for two reasons. Economic: for years since the West with our technology and know how discovered and developed Oil reserves we found in the Middle East. We did it because they do not have the ability to ivent, build or improve themselves. This is the result of the Tribe mentality they have livedd under since th th century. Political: islam is a Theocracy not a real religion. The beliecf of bothe shiia and Sunni is that Allah made them a people to which all nations should be subjugated. To oversimplify that shole mess in the Middle east: The Arabs [SUNNI] have attempted to subjugate the west using economic power [ the power of Oil dpendence. The Shiia have gone the path of subjugating the world using the jihad[ holy war] or force. With nuclear weapons they believe they have a mandate to nuke those they canot subjugate, Israel, Europe, America. We have the military power to crush them bfore they get a chance to act. However, under obama there was never the will to do so. In fact he has helped them in their quest to obtain nuclear status.