Tuesday, April 26, 2011

God Provides

Each day I wake up and wonder how and when I will have enough to survive. Then I take some silent time to read in God's Word. There I find the answers to all my questions!

God Provides!

Why did I even worry? I can read in the Word that Jesus taught His disciples not to worry. He taught them to pray and have Hope in the Living God Who has us ever present in His Mind. We are His children and His Own. He Blesses us daily!

So when I ask for His help He gives me guidance as to what I should do to be Blessed and to receive His fruits. First, Obey Him in all things. Love Him with all my Heart, Soul and Strength. Next, Listen to Him and See Him in all things and in all people. Love my fellow human kind, and share His bountiful Word with all.

I praise God for His daily Blessings, and I believe with all my Heart He is the One True Living God.

So when my pockets seem empty and a bill is due, I just smile and say what is in my Heart:


HE never fails me.