Saturday, April 5, 2008

Getting Older doesn't make you any Smarter

Experience should be the best teacher, but for some of us; we just never learn.

My very good and close friend pointed out to me that I seem to be making the same mistakes over and over again where it comes to women. She's a woman, so I'll take her word for it. She has such keen insight into human nature, and she is patient and kind. Her observations made me stop and think what I am doing. I believe she is right on target, but I don't know what to do. One thing I should do is send her flowers for being so kind to me.
In any event my problem seems to be that I can't say "no". I love to make people happy, and I an overjoyed when they are happy. Sometimes I think am more happy in giving than in receiving. That should be good: Right? Well it seems that there is someone I neglect when I am giving, and that's me. It sounds so selfish to say, but I think that what my friend is getting at.
She is so beautiful and in tune with human nature. She really puts me in awe with her keen insight, and she is the best conversationalist I've ever had the pleasure of conversing and exchanging ideas with. What she's saying , after all, is in this world if you don't take care of yourself ; who will?!? T hat may sound 'jaded' but true.
My thoughts are more toward the Utopian idea of perfection and sublime harmony. I need to wake up and realize that that is not a part of this life here on earth. Jesus strove for that perfection. As a perfect man and our Lord He lived it. Yet He left us on earth in an imperfect situation where Evil rules. We are to be in the World; not of the World. A very fine line distinction I might add.
After all, we live here. The irony is that the world would be a perfect place if we did not live on it. God created the absolute perfect, self sustaining and functioning engine when He made Earth. People are like the sand in the gears of a fine running machine. We try hard to make new things and tinker with the perfection that surrounds us. Yet the result so far has been that we pollute it and destroy the very nature that God placed here to sustain us.
Perhaps there is a parallel there with my relationships. They could be perfect if I didn't try too hard to make them work. Perhaps I should just back off and observe how my personal interaction with others would go if I didn't interfere. In other words I think I try too hard to make something that is already working -work.

I really need to learn after 0ver 62 years that I just need to keep out of my own affairs and quit trying to make everyone happy. Because in doing so, I seem to be achieving the exact opposite effect.

One last thought on learning. It is a waste unless you really, really apply it to your daily action and interactions with others.