Remember when I was young and so were you
And time stood still and love was all we knew
You were the first, so was I
We made love and then you cried
Remember when
Remember when we vowed the vows
and walked the walk
Gave our hearts, made the start, it was hard
We lived and learned, life threw curves
There was joy, there was hurt
Remember when
Remember when old ones died and new were born
And life was changed, disassembled, rearranged
We came together, fell apart
And broke each other's hearts
Remember when
Remember when the sound of little feet
was the music
We danced to week to week
Brought back the love, we found trust
Vowed we'd never give up
Remember when
Remember when thirty something seemed old
Now lookin' back, it's just a steppin' stone
To where we are,
where we've been
Said we'd do it all again
Remember when
Remember when we said when we turned gray
When the children grow up and move away
We won't be sad, we'll be glad
For all the life we've had
And we'll remember when
Remember when
Remember when
Alan Jackson
Monday, December 15, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Dreams and Memories
When is a dream a memory, or a memory a dream?
Last night I was awakened by a dream. It was so real that it contained facts, names and places, and thoughts so real that I am still unsure if I was recalling a real past event. I do not know if this was an actual event in my waking life. I do know that the events of the dream were as real as me sitting here writing my blog.
I awoke to recall that I do really know all the players. I can verify this as a fact. I have since moved from the place where the events took place [did they?]. I see the names and faces. I feel the person, and her close personal contact. I feel deep inside me her warmth, and kisses. I know her body in only the way you can know a woman you have been physically intimate with. Yet, I also know that often sexual intimacy mostly takes place in the deep reaches of the mind. You are with your lover. Your eyes are closed. Your hands and lips record much of the feelings. Your minds eye records the feelings and fills in the visual aspects of love. Your thoughts center on the pleasure you are feeling, and you strain to reach that eternal craving for ecstasy.
Even after the quest is met your mind slides back down to reality [what you think is awakening]. You open your eyes, and quickly register the moment. You say, yes this is love, and this is my lover. Yes it really happened.
Well, I don't know anymore.
Last night was a follow up. My memory went back to an encounter which my thoughts tell me was a real event in my life from many years back. I was there many times. The memory is so clear. Each detail fills my every thought. The touch and feel are as real as this moment.
I met her at a friends house. She was slim, petite, and very desirable. She wore a silky gray shift that clung to her luscious curves. Her breasts were not too large for her body, in fact they were just right. She had a nice curve about the hips and her bottom was round soft. Her tummy was flat. Her legs were long and had a nice shape that is always accentuated when a woman points her toes down like a ballerina on point. She and I met at her home. I was invited to a party. We spoke, and she whispered her thoughts to me. I was surprised. I did not know she had such intentions. I was somewhat naive.
Later she suggested we meet in another place. We danced at this party. I felt intimate with her just dancing. She had give me the courage to meet with her again. I did not know what I was doing. My mind was under her control. More than just a sexual urge. I was drawn to her, and I could not figure out why. We had only had brief and polite encounters prior to this moment. We had talked and shared some thoughts. She loved conversation as much as me. She had read some of my thoughts and poems, which were not that good.
It was an early Fall evening. The house was dark, and it was on a lonely street in a poor area of the town. I was afraid of this meeting. I did not know what was going to happen. We met. She led me to one of the many rooms. There were others there, but we did not meet or talk to them. I had the feeling this was a place just for discreet sex. It was very strange.
In our waking state we sometimes encounter situations that we think are not real.
This was one of those situations.
Was this a dream or did it happen?
Either way it became embedded in my mind. We were naked in the room. I had watched in awe as she slid off the silky shift she had been wearing. She wore no other clothing. She was naked in a second; my feeling was not as expected. I did not see anything dirty or perverted or voyeuristic about her beautiful form. She was Art, and I was the artist taking in the beauty and power of the female form. In woman, God has created the most perfect curves and shapes for man to view. Somehow the female form itself controls man. I know some women say a man should look within the woman for joy, but God has made man to look first, and then to feel. That is why we are such pathetic figures when it comes to relationships. Adam and every man after him soon learned of the power God gave woman. Who was the nut that coined the phrase "the weaker sex?".
The bed clothes were still warm as if someone had been there just before us. The feeling was overwhelming. Better than any I had ever had. It was like the first time, only better. like dreams that must be shared together. Only this time I had hopes that it would last forever. The thoughts were within me; eyes open or closed.
Her body was petite yet firm and strong. Her breasts were the exact size of my hand as I cupped them. The nipples were pink; the larger ring bulged out and was capped with a firm protruding end that got harder and longer as I twittered it up and down with my tongue. She moved over me, and I held her waist and hips as my arms encircled her body. Then I ran my hands up and down her smooth back and firm bottom. I was hard, and I could feel her warm wetness instantly as she straddled me.
We had a series of these encounters each more powerful than the last. Then suddenly it was over. I don't remember where or when, but for years I thought of those encounters with great inner joy. But also I had some sense of doom or mystery about the entire tryst. It did not seem right nor did it seem quite real. In my awakened state everything was clear. Her supple body; her mouth; her warmth; the feeling of being intertwined with someone. One particular thought that was embedded in my mind was me touching her and exploring her with my hands and fingers. It was real. She was divine when she kissed. She explored my mouth and tongue, and I explored her. As I did, she would cross her legs over me as we sat next to each other on her sofa, and she would roll over me and then take my face in her hands. This is so vivid in my mind and my senses, that when I recall the event I actually relive it. Her warm soft hands caressed and held my head and her thumbs stroked my cheeks and eyes. Her fingers dug into the hairs at the back of my skull and held my neck ;the forefingers gently massaging behind my ears. All the time she was deeply yet gently kissing my mouth, and probing me with her hot tongue. I gave in. All defenses of the waking state were gone. I was limp, and she held me in her power.
I sat there with her straddling me and kissing and caressing me, as I released all tension and let down all barriers that people naturally have up when they are engaged with other humans. The joy of doing this was beyond anything I had ever experienced. I could just enjoy her with no effort on my part. The power of her strong womanhood had taken me body and soul.
#1 Dream or reality? [Alternate endings]
This morning I woke very early.
I had a revisited her last night to say goodbye.
I do not know why? I only know that again it was real. The memories were real. Yet I do not know if it happened in my awakened state. What is the mind? Where are the events that are inside our heads? Do they take place in another dimension? Do we travel outside our bodies? Does the soul roam all over the globe- the universe each evening? I do not know. I do know that I have memories; vivid memories of what happened.
I came to her home. Her friend was there. I know him. He is a real person; though I have not seen him for years. She was sitting on the sofa wearing a soft supple shift. Her body was the same. She was as luscious as ever, and the curves still had their power over me. My friend went to the kitchen to get all of us a drink. I sat on the sofa next to her. I noticed the dress that clung to her body. Everything was happening all over again. The feelings were rushing back. On a table behind the sofa was a memo pad near the phone.
I wrote. " Sorry, but it is over."
She looked at the note, and at me.
"Do you remember?" she asked.
I reached in my pocket and pulled out my key chain. I flipped over to the key to the home where we once met. She looked stunned,
" I did not know you had a key. Why do you still have it?" She spoke softly, and I understood she had a new lover, and did not wish to alarm him.
I smiled I could see him in the kitchen. She reached over and held my face in her hands again, and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. He entered with some glasses in hand. I looked at him, and could sense the finality of the moment. I knew he was wondering what was going on.
I got up and left. I could not look back, I could not see that form again, and not be overpowered. She was gone. The moment was gone. The love was gone.
I awoke wondering: dream or memory.
I tried hard to recall if I had really experienced all of this. I knew the characters. I had vivid memories of the many encounters with her. I kept trying to feel if it was a dream or a memory.
Will I ever Know???
#2 Dream or Reality?
I revisited her last night with the intention of decoding these tortured dreams or fantasies or mysterious events.
For many years I had what I thought was a serial dream or and unaccountable relationship with a beautiful young woman, who for the life of me I cant figure out why she would find me attractive and desirable.
My memories of this relationship are so very real, but they could be only deja vous - again you!, and never actually took place. I mean when you say I know I was here before, but you are really not sure if you were or if you just imagined it. That was me in this situation.
I went over to her house. She was there with a friend I know. He is a real person. I could call him on the phone to prove it; I worked with him for over 5 years. That is true and real, so I know I did not dream him. However I was surprised that he was the one she was with at her home. As lovers we never took the time to talk. Conversation was only with our hands, mouths and bodies. I mean we never had a conversation other than arranging out next discreet encounter.
She answered the door in a red silky shift that clung to her perfect body. She turned slightly, and told her friend she had a visitor. He acknowledged me, and then went to the kitchen casually asking what I would like to drink. She gently took my hand and led me to the sofa. I sat, and she sat very close. I could feel the warmth emanating from her body, and as she moved I could hear the soft silky swoosh of the silk dress rubbing up against her thighs. She still was driving me nuts, and making it difficult for me to say what I came to say.
What did I come to say, and why was this happening again in my life? I thought this was all in the past or just an old vivid dream!
Yet I was reliving it and it was not a dream. Then I knew this really happened. Yes my mind recorded actual events. I knew the guy I knew the woman. I could not dream up a form and beauty such as this.
Ok! I would do what I came to do.
“Where did you go?”, She asked.
“I missed you so much,” she moved closer and peered into my eyes. Her deep blue eyes were like the Gulf Sea, and I just wanted to dive into the warm waters again.
“I have something to tell you.” I said.
She put her soft white hand on my leg. Our string was getting shorter. The magic energy field was getting more intense. The mystery was getting deeper. Ok. A minute ago I thought I knew, but now…
“Me too!” she said gently. Then she reached her other hand into her purse which was on the table behind the sofa. As she reached around, the top button on her shift strained, and displayed more of her sensuous white breasts.
“Remember?” she held a key on a small gold chain. Showing, and kind of teasing me with it dangling there.
A thousand memories of those times rushed back into my head. I remembered it all. It did happen. I could see it all again just like it was yesterday before I went to bed.
“Here, I want you to take it.” She said as she pressed the key into my palm.
“Tonight at 9, OK?!?” , she whispered.
He came back in with a tray of drinks, and sat them on the table before us.
“So how have you been? You look good. Haven’t seen you in …How long?” He was a quick and glib salesman who used to work for me when I was the General Manager.
We sat there for 30 minutes chatting and acting like three friends passing shallow information.
“Well what say we all go out to dinner?” He asked.
She looked at him, and I could tell he knew that was a “not tonight look.”
“Sorry, guys, but I have another engagement tonight, but thanks for the offer.” I said as I got up to leave.
She walked me to the door, and pinched my arm just before I left. I had slipped the key in my coat pocket.
“So we’ll see you again soon? Right?” She said as I exited.
“Oh for sure” I responded.
How was she going to pull this off ? Would I remember where to go.
I drove around for a few hours, and then I found myself parked across from our meeting place.
The hour had come, and I went to the door. To my surprise the key worked. I walked down the dark hall, and opened the first door on the left where I saw a faint light sliding out from under the door.
How did she do it, I wondered? She was already there in bed and naked. This was impossible. I was outside. I did not see her come in. I had the key. Yes it was a dream. In dreams things happen that are not always possible in real life. Our minds do the impossible because the mind can do anything without the bounds that restrict us in the awakened and “real” world we live in.
“ I was afraid you would not come.” She said in a hot, sensual, come hither voice.
“ I thought you had enough of my fantastic little body?” she said as she slid down under the sheets. Yet she did not cover her breasts, but let them exposed as if to tease me into joining her.
“Wait, I said.” I am here to solve a mystery.
“We never spoke before. Feelings and thoughts were all you needed.” She looked coy and slightly surprised.
“Yes, well I need to really know something” I responded as I came toward the bed.
“You know.” She smiled and slid the sheets down further, revealing more of her beautiful body. It was a definitive statement.
“What do you think I know?” I asked as I sat on the edge of the bed near her.
“You are smart. You are well educated. I heard you read all those books. You know the real thing from a vision.” She reached over to me.
“Is this a dream?” she asked as she ran her hand along my thigh and up to the object of her desire.
“I....I am not sure.” I said still trying to sort out the mystery.
“Close your eyes and feel. That’s all it takes. What else matters?” She said with her hot breath near my ear. Those lips;, that mouth her tongue. I could not think. All the education in the world; my classic Liberal Arts education meant nothing at that point. Would I ever resolve this conflict?
I did as she said. It is sweet. It seems real. It was…….
This morning I am putting it in writing in case I encounter her again.
Last night I was awakened by a dream. It was so real that it contained facts, names and places, and thoughts so real that I am still unsure if I was recalling a real past event. I do not know if this was an actual event in my waking life. I do know that the events of the dream were as real as me sitting here writing my blog.
I awoke to recall that I do really know all the players. I can verify this as a fact. I have since moved from the place where the events took place [did they?]. I see the names and faces. I feel the person, and her close personal contact. I feel deep inside me her warmth, and kisses. I know her body in only the way you can know a woman you have been physically intimate with. Yet, I also know that often sexual intimacy mostly takes place in the deep reaches of the mind. You are with your lover. Your eyes are closed. Your hands and lips record much of the feelings. Your minds eye records the feelings and fills in the visual aspects of love. Your thoughts center on the pleasure you are feeling, and you strain to reach that eternal craving for ecstasy.
Even after the quest is met your mind slides back down to reality [what you think is awakening]. You open your eyes, and quickly register the moment. You say, yes this is love, and this is my lover. Yes it really happened.
Well, I don't know anymore.
Last night was a follow up. My memory went back to an encounter which my thoughts tell me was a real event in my life from many years back. I was there many times. The memory is so clear. Each detail fills my every thought. The touch and feel are as real as this moment.
I met her at a friends house. She was slim, petite, and very desirable. She wore a silky gray shift that clung to her luscious curves. Her breasts were not too large for her body, in fact they were just right. She had a nice curve about the hips and her bottom was round soft. Her tummy was flat. Her legs were long and had a nice shape that is always accentuated when a woman points her toes down like a ballerina on point. She and I met at her home. I was invited to a party. We spoke, and she whispered her thoughts to me. I was surprised. I did not know she had such intentions. I was somewhat naive.
Later she suggested we meet in another place. We danced at this party. I felt intimate with her just dancing. She had give me the courage to meet with her again. I did not know what I was doing. My mind was under her control. More than just a sexual urge. I was drawn to her, and I could not figure out why. We had only had brief and polite encounters prior to this moment. We had talked and shared some thoughts. She loved conversation as much as me. She had read some of my thoughts and poems, which were not that good.
It was an early Fall evening. The house was dark, and it was on a lonely street in a poor area of the town. I was afraid of this meeting. I did not know what was going to happen. We met. She led me to one of the many rooms. There were others there, but we did not meet or talk to them. I had the feeling this was a place just for discreet sex. It was very strange.
In our waking state we sometimes encounter situations that we think are not real.
This was one of those situations.
Was this a dream or did it happen?
Either way it became embedded in my mind. We were naked in the room. I had watched in awe as she slid off the silky shift she had been wearing. She wore no other clothing. She was naked in a second; my feeling was not as expected. I did not see anything dirty or perverted or voyeuristic about her beautiful form. She was Art, and I was the artist taking in the beauty and power of the female form. In woman, God has created the most perfect curves and shapes for man to view. Somehow the female form itself controls man. I know some women say a man should look within the woman for joy, but God has made man to look first, and then to feel. That is why we are such pathetic figures when it comes to relationships. Adam and every man after him soon learned of the power God gave woman. Who was the nut that coined the phrase "the weaker sex?".
The bed clothes were still warm as if someone had been there just before us. The feeling was overwhelming. Better than any I had ever had. It was like the first time, only better. like dreams that must be shared together. Only this time I had hopes that it would last forever. The thoughts were within me; eyes open or closed.
Her body was petite yet firm and strong. Her breasts were the exact size of my hand as I cupped them. The nipples were pink; the larger ring bulged out and was capped with a firm protruding end that got harder and longer as I twittered it up and down with my tongue. She moved over me, and I held her waist and hips as my arms encircled her body. Then I ran my hands up and down her smooth back and firm bottom. I was hard, and I could feel her warm wetness instantly as she straddled me.
We had a series of these encounters each more powerful than the last. Then suddenly it was over. I don't remember where or when, but for years I thought of those encounters with great inner joy. But also I had some sense of doom or mystery about the entire tryst. It did not seem right nor did it seem quite real. In my awakened state everything was clear. Her supple body; her mouth; her warmth; the feeling of being intertwined with someone. One particular thought that was embedded in my mind was me touching her and exploring her with my hands and fingers. It was real. She was divine when she kissed. She explored my mouth and tongue, and I explored her. As I did, she would cross her legs over me as we sat next to each other on her sofa, and she would roll over me and then take my face in her hands. This is so vivid in my mind and my senses, that when I recall the event I actually relive it. Her warm soft hands caressed and held my head and her thumbs stroked my cheeks and eyes. Her fingers dug into the hairs at the back of my skull and held my neck ;the forefingers gently massaging behind my ears. All the time she was deeply yet gently kissing my mouth, and probing me with her hot tongue. I gave in. All defenses of the waking state were gone. I was limp, and she held me in her power.
I sat there with her straddling me and kissing and caressing me, as I released all tension and let down all barriers that people naturally have up when they are engaged with other humans. The joy of doing this was beyond anything I had ever experienced. I could just enjoy her with no effort on my part. The power of her strong womanhood had taken me body and soul.
#1 Dream or reality? [Alternate endings]
This morning I woke very early.
I had a revisited her last night to say goodbye.
I do not know why? I only know that again it was real. The memories were real. Yet I do not know if it happened in my awakened state. What is the mind? Where are the events that are inside our heads? Do they take place in another dimension? Do we travel outside our bodies? Does the soul roam all over the globe- the universe each evening? I do not know. I do know that I have memories; vivid memories of what happened.
I came to her home. Her friend was there. I know him. He is a real person; though I have not seen him for years. She was sitting on the sofa wearing a soft supple shift. Her body was the same. She was as luscious as ever, and the curves still had their power over me. My friend went to the kitchen to get all of us a drink. I sat on the sofa next to her. I noticed the dress that clung to her body. Everything was happening all over again. The feelings were rushing back. On a table behind the sofa was a memo pad near the phone.
I wrote. " Sorry, but it is over."
She looked at the note, and at me.
"Do you remember?" she asked.
I reached in my pocket and pulled out my key chain. I flipped over to the key to the home where we once met. She looked stunned,
" I did not know you had a key. Why do you still have it?" She spoke softly, and I understood she had a new lover, and did not wish to alarm him.
I smiled I could see him in the kitchen. She reached over and held my face in her hands again, and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. He entered with some glasses in hand. I looked at him, and could sense the finality of the moment. I knew he was wondering what was going on.
I got up and left. I could not look back, I could not see that form again, and not be overpowered. She was gone. The moment was gone. The love was gone.
I awoke wondering: dream or memory.
I tried hard to recall if I had really experienced all of this. I knew the characters. I had vivid memories of the many encounters with her. I kept trying to feel if it was a dream or a memory.
Will I ever Know???
#2 Dream or Reality?
I revisited her last night with the intention of decoding these tortured dreams or fantasies or mysterious events.
For many years I had what I thought was a serial dream or and unaccountable relationship with a beautiful young woman, who for the life of me I cant figure out why she would find me attractive and desirable.
My memories of this relationship are so very real, but they could be only deja vous - again you!, and never actually took place. I mean when you say I know I was here before, but you are really not sure if you were or if you just imagined it. That was me in this situation.
I went over to her house. She was there with a friend I know. He is a real person. I could call him on the phone to prove it; I worked with him for over 5 years. That is true and real, so I know I did not dream him. However I was surprised that he was the one she was with at her home. As lovers we never took the time to talk. Conversation was only with our hands, mouths and bodies. I mean we never had a conversation other than arranging out next discreet encounter.
She answered the door in a red silky shift that clung to her perfect body. She turned slightly, and told her friend she had a visitor. He acknowledged me, and then went to the kitchen casually asking what I would like to drink. She gently took my hand and led me to the sofa. I sat, and she sat very close. I could feel the warmth emanating from her body, and as she moved I could hear the soft silky swoosh of the silk dress rubbing up against her thighs. She still was driving me nuts, and making it difficult for me to say what I came to say.
What did I come to say, and why was this happening again in my life? I thought this was all in the past or just an old vivid dream!
Yet I was reliving it and it was not a dream. Then I knew this really happened. Yes my mind recorded actual events. I knew the guy I knew the woman. I could not dream up a form and beauty such as this.
Ok! I would do what I came to do.
“Where did you go?”, She asked.
“I missed you so much,” she moved closer and peered into my eyes. Her deep blue eyes were like the Gulf Sea, and I just wanted to dive into the warm waters again.
“I have something to tell you.” I said.
She put her soft white hand on my leg. Our string was getting shorter. The magic energy field was getting more intense. The mystery was getting deeper. Ok. A minute ago I thought I knew, but now…
“Me too!” she said gently. Then she reached her other hand into her purse which was on the table behind the sofa. As she reached around, the top button on her shift strained, and displayed more of her sensuous white breasts.
“Remember?” she held a key on a small gold chain. Showing, and kind of teasing me with it dangling there.
A thousand memories of those times rushed back into my head. I remembered it all. It did happen. I could see it all again just like it was yesterday before I went to bed.
“Here, I want you to take it.” She said as she pressed the key into my palm.
“Tonight at 9, OK?!?” , she whispered.
He came back in with a tray of drinks, and sat them on the table before us.
“So how have you been? You look good. Haven’t seen you in …How long?” He was a quick and glib salesman who used to work for me when I was the General Manager.
We sat there for 30 minutes chatting and acting like three friends passing shallow information.
“Well what say we all go out to dinner?” He asked.
She looked at him, and I could tell he knew that was a “not tonight look.”
“Sorry, guys, but I have another engagement tonight, but thanks for the offer.” I said as I got up to leave.
She walked me to the door, and pinched my arm just before I left. I had slipped the key in my coat pocket.
“So we’ll see you again soon? Right?” She said as I exited.
“Oh for sure” I responded.
How was she going to pull this off ? Would I remember where to go.
I drove around for a few hours, and then I found myself parked across from our meeting place.
The hour had come, and I went to the door. To my surprise the key worked. I walked down the dark hall, and opened the first door on the left where I saw a faint light sliding out from under the door.
How did she do it, I wondered? She was already there in bed and naked. This was impossible. I was outside. I did not see her come in. I had the key. Yes it was a dream. In dreams things happen that are not always possible in real life. Our minds do the impossible because the mind can do anything without the bounds that restrict us in the awakened and “real” world we live in.
“ I was afraid you would not come.” She said in a hot, sensual, come hither voice.
“ I thought you had enough of my fantastic little body?” she said as she slid down under the sheets. Yet she did not cover her breasts, but let them exposed as if to tease me into joining her.
“Wait, I said.” I am here to solve a mystery.
“We never spoke before. Feelings and thoughts were all you needed.” She looked coy and slightly surprised.
“Yes, well I need to really know something” I responded as I came toward the bed.
“You know.” She smiled and slid the sheets down further, revealing more of her beautiful body. It was a definitive statement.
“What do you think I know?” I asked as I sat on the edge of the bed near her.
“You are smart. You are well educated. I heard you read all those books. You know the real thing from a vision.” She reached over to me.
“Is this a dream?” she asked as she ran her hand along my thigh and up to the object of her desire.
“I....I am not sure.” I said still trying to sort out the mystery.
“Close your eyes and feel. That’s all it takes. What else matters?” She said with her hot breath near my ear. Those lips;, that mouth her tongue. I could not think. All the education in the world; my classic Liberal Arts education meant nothing at that point. Would I ever resolve this conflict?
I did as she said. It is sweet. It seems real. It was…….
This morning I am putting it in writing in case I encounter her again.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
The People of Lithuania
Over the past three months and ten days I had a marvelous opportunity to meet and fellowship with so many astounding, beautiful, determined and resilient people in Lithuania.
I sat in her kitchen looking out on a major road, H.Manto Gatve [renamed Tito Gatve] along the
stretch in front of the busy prot entrance road of Danes Gatve. leading to the Klapedia piers just beyond her home on Vytauto Gatve. She has lived here a long time, and she did share with me that the times of German occupation 1941-44 were very busy times for the port. The main entrance to the port is about a 10 minute walk from her home;just down this street and to the right is Tito Gatve leading to the main entrance.
Also, the soviets made great use of the same port when they forced out the Germans near the close of WWII. I could picture in my mind the German trucks and military appartus moving past her home marching toward those ships awaiting them at the pier, just a short walk from her home. Theresa's husband who died in the 1960's worked his whole life at this port. I have read so much about the war, and here I was right in the place where it had taken place. I walked all over the down town and along the piers at the waterfront one somber Sunday morning, and just took in the history of the place, and its people. I wondered what they had gone through, and how they managed to survive it all, and still come out as kind and generous and beautiful people.
It was hard to grasp; a great irony and justaposition was before me. Here I was sitting in a warm loving home, and thinking of those cold, malicious, fearful olive drab, green tanks and war machines rumbling past this peaceful home; marching toward the destruction of people who are so kind and good.
Every home I visited was filled with people always there to give you food
and drink, and a warm hug. Where ever we went, we brought a bottle of Congac for our host, which is a tradition amoung Lithuanians. We, in turn, were greeted at the door with smiles and hugs and kisses, and ushered to a bountiful table of food. Every Village home had a wonderful and productive garden, and folks were proud to show you what they were growing and share the fresh produce with me. The best part was the loving people to share all of this with me.
This same experience was true in every city and in every home I visited. It was a thrill for me, and it caused me to become very emotionally attached to these folks.
One very important aspect of the Lithuanian culture and
Psyche is their love for the land and natural beauty. Let me tell you about the food too, because it is tied to their nature. Breakfast is usually black bread, agurkas [we call them cucumbers in the US], tomatos [pomadoros], cheese[sauras] a wide variety of sausage meats, and honey [medus] and of course cava[coffee] very strong, and not brewed, but seeped in boiling water. Most importantly is that all of these items are fresh. Lunch may be Sepalines [ a ground potato filled with cheese or meat, and smothered with trasty gravy. This is often served with cold or hot Borscht. Dinner may be fish or foul. Most always lunch and dinner are served wih lots of fresh pickels, tomatos, and sometimes sliced meats that I never was really sure what animal they came from, but they were all good and all very healthy.
It was hard to grasp; a great irony and justaposition was before me. Here I was sitting in a warm loving home, and thinking of those cold, malicious, fearful olive drab, green tanks and war machines rumbling past this peaceful home; marching toward the destruction of people who are so kind and good.
This same experience was true in every city and in every home I visited. It was a thrill for me, and it caused me to become very emotionally attached to these folks.
In Kaunas we lived on V.Kreves and the IKI [large chain supermarket] was a short walk from our home. In front of IKI was a large outdoor market that was always well stocked with fresh foods. Daily we took a walk at around 6AM. Played a little tennis and basketball at Danavos Parkas, and then went to the market. We rarely went into IKI. Most of our food was purchased in the open market stalls. Everything there was fresh daily. One day I went, and an elderly gentleman had backed his car in. His trunk was opened, and in it sat two 20 liter milk tins. This gentleman had been up since very eaarly morning milking his cows, and now he was in the market selling his fresh milk. He had some empty plastic bottles in his back seat. I asked him "Kaip tai kainuoja" [how much] he produced two liter and one liter empty bottles. I pointed to the two Liter. For 2.5 Litas I had fresh milk for the week. I loved to bargan with the vendors prices for food every day. Seems strange, but somehow it made it taste fresher, and better. 
Lithuanians often spend time in the "Village". I got the impression that many were closely tied to the village of their birth. Again, tied to the land. Once, I went to the home of a very wonderful school administrator [director]. Her condo was in the city of Kaunas across from Oassi, my favorite sports center in the city. Yet almost every weeekend she went to her "village". I was invited to her birthday party which was held in her village home. The home was outstanding. The setting was beaucolic.
The house was very large, and well constructed. Structures there must withstand extreams of weather, Winters get as low as -20 C, and summers can be as high as 30C or more. The house was perfectly situated on a pastoral pond in a valley of a deeply wooded birch forest. Everyone was so festive.
In general, Lithuanians love Festivity. During the 
warmer months every city and town in Lithuania puts on a "Town Celebration". I was fortunate enough to be in Kaunas in June during Kauno Days, and again in July for Jonises Day. If you look on my You Tube Site [] you will see a short clip called "Dancing in the Park". This was filmed at the Jonises Day Festival. Also, take a look at the wonderful video sent to me by aGBone "LITHUANIA-Journey to the Center of Europe". GBone is a native, and he is rightfully proud of his country. This video says more about Lithuania than I could ever tell of my experiences in this short article.
I will have more to tell later in the Historical piece of the cities I visited. Also, there is much said here in the photos. For now, I urge you to watch the videos, and I hope I have given my readers a sense of the wonderful feelings I experienced in getting to know Lithuania and Lithuanians.
I will have more to tell later in the Historical piece of the cities I visited. Also, there is much said here in the photos. For now, I urge you to watch the videos, and I hope I have given my readers a sense of the wonderful feelings I experienced in getting to know Lithuania and Lithuanians.
Lastly,I want to impart that the magic of Kaunas and other cities does not lie in the beautiful old city buildings and churches. The magic is in the hearts, souls and eyes of the people who are the direct decendents of the folks who built all of those marvelous places. It is a miracle, and a blessing from God that this culture has survived to give living testimony to the strength, power and grace of a beautiful country, Lithuania populated with very, very beautiful Lithuanian people.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Retired Having Fun
Just a quick message to fellow retirees who are wishing their retirement years were the reality they had dreamed of while working.
My reflections after spending the last three months in the center of Europe:
I never thought it would happen. But I thank God that it did. When I look back on the ups and downs in my life I see that I had been in this same position earlier in life.
I had just graduated college. I got a great job working for the government. I was in a good level [GS-14] position. I had 10 years of service completed, and I could retire with 47% of my high 3 years salary at age 55. Suddenly I lost it all.
During the high earning years of my Government service my family and I had done a lot of traveling: Europe; South America; Aruba and the Caribbean Islands. Then after my sudden departure from the Government I sat and worried about what to do. My vision for the wonderful and stress free future was blurred.
Would I every have enough money to travel again? Would I be ale to retire and still have enough years left to enjoy life? My legs, it seemed, had been pulled out from me. I was about to give up.
Then, I think God intervened. Suddenly, my life began to turn around. I started a small business. Next a big company bought me out and picked me up, and I started to rise rapidly up the corporate ladder.
Within a few years, I was back on top, and earning more money than I had ever made with the Government. I had more than doubled my Federal salary. I was saving money, and building a wonderful retirement. My new company had a 401K plan that matched my savings dollar for dollar to the max Tax bracket at the time. I was back traveling, and having the things I wanted in life for me and my family.
Suddenly, I was downsized. I lost the great income I had been enjoying. I went through a very costly divorce. Everything I had earned and worked for was taken by the courts and attorneys. I said to myself. Well here is another valley in my up and down life. My life was looking like a roller coaster.
The big question I had to ask was why? Like all such questions, there really is no answer. Only God knows.
I spoke to friends and relatives.
I met a guy who told me there are thousands like me.
Then he relayed his story. He too had some ups and downs in life. He had made a lot of money over the years. Then, as soon as his company was taken over by a bigger fish, he was a target. He was over 55, making 156K a year, and he was close to retirement. The new company wanted to clean house of guys like him, so sure enough they found a way. Offer him a severance package, and make it so restrictive that he could not ever get it.
They were closing his office which was the only one in the state. He had to find another position at the same or higher pay within the company anywhere within 50 miles of his current office. No such position existed. The severance package also said that if they offered him another job [and it did not have to be in the same or similar position] if he did not take it then he would be released, and the lucrative terms of the original package would be withdrawn.
So they offered him a job handling the Year2000 or Y2K program. He was not familiar with it, and at first he refused. HR told him that if he refused, then he would be out without any severance. He pointed out that at the end of the Y2K project there would no longer be a need for this position. HR told him they would find something else, but could not promise. The offer also had some fine print saying that once he took the new position the original severance package was no longer valid.
I asked what happened. He took the Y2K project. The company told him he had done such a good job they were ending the project 4 months early because they were assured [thanks to his efforts] everything was going to work fine when the clock struck midnight 2000. So ended his career and his severance, and his big salary. He was yet another senior victim of corporate belt tightening.
Like many others, his wife left him; his kids lost interest because he was no longer giving them new cars; trips to Europe, and all the perks that spoiled rich kids enjoy. The man was helpless in the face of his loss. He wound up withdrawing into himself and drinking to forget. Recently, he died, and had only one true friend who stuck with him to the end. God at least gave him that much, and he died in the arms of his Savior- Jesus.
I feel bad that I could not help him out. But now I believe I have a service that will help people like my friend. People who have given so much in life, and feel betrayed and cheated in the "golden years" of life. I want these to really be the "golden years" for all those who have worked so hard to build, teach create, and give their lives to enrich this society. Those people deserve more than a $600.00 monthly Social Security Check, and maybe a little pension money.
Again, let me tell you that I was in the same position. I had it all; lost it all, and got some of it back again: post retirement.
Please join me on my You Tube site at
I have prepared a short video that will show you how to put some extra bucks in your pocket, and to supplement your current retirement. You need to treat yourself. You worked hard all your life. Live life life to its fullest. Don't let yourself be fenced in because of your limited retirement income. Join me, and Travel, Reflect and Enjoy!
My reflections after spending the last three months in the center of Europe:
I never thought it would happen. But I thank God that it did. When I look back on the ups and downs in my life I see that I had been in this same position earlier in life.
I had just graduated college. I got a great job working for the government. I was in a good level [GS-14] position. I had 10 years of service completed, and I could retire with 47% of my high 3 years salary at age 55. Suddenly I lost it all.
During the high earning years of my Government service my family and I had done a lot of traveling: Europe; South America; Aruba and the Caribbean Islands. Then after my sudden departure from the Government I sat and worried about what to do. My vision for the wonderful and stress free future was blurred.
Would I every have enough money to travel again? Would I be ale to retire and still have enough years left to enjoy life? My legs, it seemed, had been pulled out from me. I was about to give up.
Then, I think God intervened. Suddenly, my life began to turn around. I started a small business. Next a big company bought me out and picked me up, and I started to rise rapidly up the corporate ladder.
Within a few years, I was back on top, and earning more money than I had ever made with the Government. I had more than doubled my Federal salary. I was saving money, and building a wonderful retirement. My new company had a 401K plan that matched my savings dollar for dollar to the max Tax bracket at the time. I was back traveling, and having the things I wanted in life for me and my family.
Suddenly, I was downsized. I lost the great income I had been enjoying. I went through a very costly divorce. Everything I had earned and worked for was taken by the courts and attorneys. I said to myself. Well here is another valley in my up and down life. My life was looking like a roller coaster.
The big question I had to ask was why? Like all such questions, there really is no answer. Only God knows.
I spoke to friends and relatives.
I met a guy who told me there are thousands like me.
Then he relayed his story. He too had some ups and downs in life. He had made a lot of money over the years. Then, as soon as his company was taken over by a bigger fish, he was a target. He was over 55, making 156K a year, and he was close to retirement. The new company wanted to clean house of guys like him, so sure enough they found a way. Offer him a severance package, and make it so restrictive that he could not ever get it.
They were closing his office which was the only one in the state. He had to find another position at the same or higher pay within the company anywhere within 50 miles of his current office. No such position existed. The severance package also said that if they offered him another job [and it did not have to be in the same or similar position] if he did not take it then he would be released, and the lucrative terms of the original package would be withdrawn.
So they offered him a job handling the Year2000 or Y2K program. He was not familiar with it, and at first he refused. HR told him that if he refused, then he would be out without any severance. He pointed out that at the end of the Y2K project there would no longer be a need for this position. HR told him they would find something else, but could not promise. The offer also had some fine print saying that once he took the new position the original severance package was no longer valid.
I asked what happened. He took the Y2K project. The company told him he had done such a good job they were ending the project 4 months early because they were assured [thanks to his efforts] everything was going to work fine when the clock struck midnight 2000. So ended his career and his severance, and his big salary. He was yet another senior victim of corporate belt tightening.
Like many others, his wife left him; his kids lost interest because he was no longer giving them new cars; trips to Europe, and all the perks that spoiled rich kids enjoy. The man was helpless in the face of his loss. He wound up withdrawing into himself and drinking to forget. Recently, he died, and had only one true friend who stuck with him to the end. God at least gave him that much, and he died in the arms of his Savior- Jesus.
I feel bad that I could not help him out. But now I believe I have a service that will help people like my friend. People who have given so much in life, and feel betrayed and cheated in the "golden years" of life. I want these to really be the "golden years" for all those who have worked so hard to build, teach create, and give their lives to enrich this society. Those people deserve more than a $600.00 monthly Social Security Check, and maybe a little pension money.
Again, let me tell you that I was in the same position. I had it all; lost it all, and got some of it back again: post retirement.
Please join me on my You Tube site at
I have prepared a short video that will show you how to put some extra bucks in your pocket, and to supplement your current retirement. You need to treat yourself. You worked hard all your life. Live life life to its fullest. Don't let yourself be fenced in because of your limited retirement income. Join me, and Travel, Reflect and Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tallin, Estonia -Pro Georgia Demonstration

So why does Russia want to take back or intimidate Georgia: could it be the oil pipeline route to Ukraine and eastern Europe, and the port of Poti, a major shipper of oil drilling parts and equipment, and the key link to all Caucasus trade? Funny thing is that Georgia's president Mikheil Saakashvil made a deal with the Arabs just after the 2004 completion of the Caspian oil Project . This project sponsored by the Russian Lukoil co. cost 3 billion. to build a pipeline to take oil from the Caspian sea drilling platforms through Azerbaijan to Turkey via Georgia. This upset the Russian plan to beat the Arabs at their own game. Russia has changed a

Had the Russians been in the same spot as the US. They would have taken Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, and simply stated to the world "to the victor belongs the spoils" They would have then built a pipeline to Moscow, and the world would have yawned, and said" that's how the Russians do it". Which is about the same world opinion we see with the Russian invasion of Georgia.
Several times I have tried to talk with locals about the war years, and people my age who lived through it treat you as if you were a Russian spy trying to pry information out of them. To say the least, they don't want to talk. They want to forget.
The invasion of Georgia is a stark reminder that the Russians are still next door, and they could still easily break in your door at any minute.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
In the 1500's Riga became a Luthern town ruled
Thus, in 1621 the Sweadish State took control of Riga only to be conquered by Peter the Great of Russia as he began to eat into the Lithuanian empire state by state.
Jump 100 years ahead, and Napolean tries to take Riga from the Russians. Close, but no cigar, the result is mass destruction of the surrounding areas which led to the present day neat street plans created during the rebuilding.
For the next 50 years they ruled until Peristrokia. In 1990 the undaunted Latvians declared independence and were recognized by the west. In 1998 they held a massive celebration for the 800th anniversary of Riga. From 1967 to 1980 the Cathedral was completly restored ; including the addition of and elevator to the bell tower was installed. Above,left,you'll see several Photos from this location.
While traveling through the city it is interesting to not that many people speak English, German and Latvian. The makeup of the city is 43% Latvian, and 43% Russian with the rest Ukranians and Poles and others. The city boasts of 6 large Museums; 51 Libraries; 18 Culture Centers a ZOO and the Circus. I was in the city on three different occasions, and only scratched the surface, so give yourself time to explore.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Tartu, Estonia
We arrived in Tartu, Estonia by car on a warm summer day.
The city was buzzing with preparations for the Festival.
In the central square a stage had been erected, and though we arrived around noon on Friday some performances had already begun.
The park along the river was decorated and many rides and activities were set up for the children.
Just up the hill near the park sits the Performing arts theater. It is lovely and modern. Continuing up the roadway on the south end of the park you climb a steep slope toward Tartu College. There are signs to the College Theater and the Geological and Zoological museums.
Tartu is definitely a "college" town. It reminded me pf Princeton, but with hills and much older architecture. I even saw some old remains of a roman aqueduct that had been unearthed during recent construction. The Romans had an outpost in Lithuania in the early 600's.
There were so many quiet spots to sit and read, and down every street there seemed to be a coffee house or a small performing arts theater hidden behind small doors and not clearly marked for the public. It all seemed so quiet, peaceful and personal.
Going back down the steep hill on which the college sits I came across a very wonderful pub: The Wilde Irish Pub. In front of the pub sits a life size statue of Oscar Wide on a park bench conversing with Peter-Ernst Wilde an Estonian writer of the same period. The pub is a two story affair with a large outdoor patio restaurant in the rear of the building.
On the first floor there is a book store . I browsed a bit, and it reminded me of an old Philadelphia, PA Bookbinders. Of course, the books were all in Estonian, so I was at a disadvantage other than to look at the photos and covers.
Had an Alus [beer] and sauntered from the Wilde Irish Pub toward the central Plaza and passed Poe's - another interesting pub and a dark place dedicated to drinking and evening entertainment of local music and song.
The town square was all decked out for the Festival. One side street off the square led down to the large old church St.John's built in the 1323. Along the street locals dressed and performed and sold goods in Native costumes. in front of the British UK hotel there was a woodwind quartet of beautiful girls performing some modern tunes mixed with Vivaldi. It was a beautiful site and sound for any visitor.
In the backyard of a traditional Estonian home locals set up as blacksmiths and workers serving the master of the home.
Two young girls in Estonian traditional costumes posed fo
From there I walked back to the square and away from the Government house and Post office to the Emajogi River. I crossed the rebuilt bridge that had been commissioned in 1784 by Catherine II of Russia, and then destroyed in 1941 by the Germans in WWII.
On the SE side of the river performers had set up old traditional games and food preparation. One group was actually building an Estonian solid boat carved from the trunk of a very large tree. They worked a little; drank a lot and then sang songs. In the 3 days I was there the boat was almost finished, but I could tell it was a joyous labor of love.
Some folks exhibited the old sword, armor and shields of battle dress and performed mock fights while Troubadours played and sang.
Food! There was so many places to eat, and a lot was prepared on the spot over open fires by vendors and merchants selling all sorts of items along with the food and lots of Alus[beer].
There was a modern European riverboat that had come Friday depositing European tourists to enjoy the Festival. These boats are long slim floating hotel/restaurants that travel the extensive network of waterways throughout Europe. For a reasonable price you can board, rent a nice room, and travel from city to city in Europe. I am interested in trying the Danube trip from Germany to the Black Sea. It is a rip full of history and culture.
Early the next morning When all the singing and dancing and drinking had slowed down I walked the streets of the old town again. During this time of the year sunrise is around 4AM, and sunset is not until 11PM, and even then it does not seem to get fully dark. This gives the people an opportunity to party long into the night; which often results in parties that easily last until the sun rises again. I mean what's a night party when the dark of night is only a few hours?
Anyway at dawn I roamed the streets and found some revelers still going strong. The town was beautiful in the early dawn where the sun seems very strong and bright as it glances off the top of our Globe -Earth. Strolling down Ulikooli St. past the colorful Tartu Ulikooli U. commissioned in 1632 by Gustav II Adolf I felt a time warp pass over me, or was it that I had been a part of one of the largest and longest parties ever.
Outside the 24 hr Drive through stood a flock of revelers trying to hold each other up while ordering burgers fries and coffee. A big black BMW SUV honked and nudged forward along the drive trying to get to the window blocked by the revelers to pick up their order at the window.
Later as the day progressed and the park and square and surround area came to life. The old doors to the former slaughter house opened, and I went in to find it was now a very large meat market with all kinds of meat in glass cases, and hundreds of people shopping for fresh meat. I found that in the Baltic States, though people have refrigerators and freezers, They buy everything fresh each day, and keep very few "leftovers". Even a Communist would not freeze something and eat it later. It just isn't done. They are very big on Fresh and natural.
We had planned to go to St Petersburg [Leningrad, Russia] since it is only a few hours NE of Tartu. We were told that we could get a visa at the boarder or in Tartu. I checked with the Euro Tourbus company. They confirmed that I could get the visa there, but I could not buy a ticket or enter Russia for 10 days. We could not wait in Tartu that long. We will re-plan for another time.
Finally, Tartu is a city of Love. This statue of "Kissing Students" which is the center piece is also the fountain in the central city square. It is so romantic...
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