Wednesday, July 25, 2018

US Republic Must be built on Local Community Values

Have a hot cup of coffee and read a reasoned look at what's happening in DC.
It's all a political sham meant to entertain the population. We could equate it to ancient Romans holding Gladiator games while the masses watch, and then give a thumbs up or Down to their selected victor.
We have a Republic that has many flaws, and our real concern should be whether or not outside influences can directly or indirectly shake its foundations. Throughout our history it is local politics that are more influential on our National direction.

I'll let you decide who you see in these two circles of influence.

At any rate, it does not do us much good to take to the streets and shout each other down.  It is more productive watching the struggle, and making up our own minds through the existing political process of voting, keeping informed, and expressing our views to those who we send to represent us, and our particular interests.
We must do that on all levels, even down to the local school board, city council, district, Parrish, judgeship's, and criminal law enforcement representatives we put our trust in.  Those people must be thoroughly vetted by us to insure they are representing our moral, ethical and community values.

I many towns and small burbs across America, people are not LOCALLY focused. They are distracted by the National agenda while their townships and municipalities are being taken over by those who understand the strength of America lies in Local governance; not just National political agendas. To that end, many will become aware that they have lost control of their local community, and thus ownership of the Republic.  It really can change overnight.  Citizenship is a matter of constant vigilance.
One other thing, it is simpler and more rewarding to help in the community you live in rather than in DC, because your personal local influence is more rewarding and more visible than what is happening in the global community. 

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Liberal Logic used to defend kids invading US at the Southern Border ignores Rights of the Unborn.

At a recent leftist rally in DC someone held a sign with a quote from Proverbs I like the sign Proverbs 31: 8-9 scripture that says" Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves..."There have been some 70 Million abortions since Roe vs Wade. The left now is using that horrid interpretation of our law to say it is OK. Feinstein is even going against the Left's sacred PC doctrine of separation of church and state by opposing nominees on religious grounds . Abortion kills babies who can't speak or defend themselves. That's not what this sign says. It is only focused on the rights of illegal children invading our borders. It ignores the millions of defenseless babies who are ripped from the womb to be sold like auto parts from a Junk Yard.

The left is focused on this one single issue to mount a 'resistance campaign' to any SCOTUS nominee President Trump appoints. Sen. Feinstein opposes SCOTUS candidates on religious grounds. Amy Barrett a Catholic nominated for a lower bench position by the President was turned down for the bench because.,..."of the nominee's adherence to dogma was of concern to her [Feinsteiin]"

Recall from your Biblical history that God sent Jehu to kill Ahab and his pagan Queen Jezebel because they perverted His Temple and worshiped Baal with the sacrifice of babies on His [Jehova's] Temple alter. God has not changed his view on this subject in 3500 years since Jehu was sent to enforce His Laws. God is the same now and forever.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Appointing a SCOTUS

Much to the consternation of the Democrat leadership, President Trump is now in the Unique position of being able to appoint another Supreme Court Justice.  This is an historical event, and one of great significance for these United States of America.
I don't think any President in history has ever appointed two SCOTUS in his first term. Certainly President Trump will set a record if he has the opportunity to appoint four during his 8 year tenure in office. This is one reason why the evangelical vote came out for President Trump.  They know that over the years an activist Court has taken God out of the Marketplace and schools. They know SCOTUS has attempted to destroy God's plans for marriage between one man and one woman. They are aware that SCOTUS has tried to redefine gender, and forced an unwanted homosexual agenda on descent Americans.  This list goes on and on with so many decisions made that are based only on the will of a minority of Americans.  We have had to suffer through bad interpretations of our Constitution and fundamental unwanted changes to our way of life for some 45 years.  Here is a reply to an activist judge who believes that the courts rule America:


Those who think they do are Wrong. The people  vote for a President in a Representative Republic.  The President under the Constitution is given certain powers. One is to Appoint SCOTUS members.  The decisions of those Judges is not voted on by the People; only indirectly because the people gave the duly elected President the authority to appoint those judges. This is how a Republic functions.
I would assume by your interpretation of the Constitution you may be a judge; an  Activist Judge.  If so, your honor, you are attempting to usurp the intent of the Constitution which lays out the guidelines for our Republic. Those include the separate but equal  branches o Government.  That means a judge cannot issue orders from the bench which restrict the powers of the Legislative or Executive branch.
One main thing missing in your diatribe is acknowledgment of the fact that Jefferson originally wrote the word "Inalienable" rights. Those are rights given to each person by our Creator, God.  Though some argue that Unalienable and Inalienable are synonymous, in 1776 that was not the generally accepted case.  In the original document which sits in the NYC Public Library. You'll find that other members at the convention had Jefferson cross out "Inalienable" because they thought it conveyed too much of a religious tone in the document. Jefferson's original intent was slightly changed. However since over 90% of he members who signed and approved the document were Christians they believed the original message  still demonstrated that our American Republic was always to be seen as a Unique nation based on Christian ideals.  The document was strongly crafted along the lines of the Mayflower compact drawn up some 150 years earlier to govern the first American colony at Plymouth based strictly on the Bible