Friday, December 20, 2019

The Leftist Liberal Elites Really believe Americans are Stupid

Are Americans ever going to wake up to the fact that the arrogant Elite Left thinks we are all stupid,  Obama said as much many times and his henchman Jonathan Gruber pushing the obamacacare disaster said openly and plainly he and obama could sell anything to Americans because they are stupid. Then you have hillary calling all of us deplorables and ignorant masses she could put all of us in her basket.  We are the 'little people' to them. They are the professors and elite liberals who know more than the everyday working people who actually make this country run and make it more productive and wealthier than any place on the planet.  Yet to a liberal or a left-wing politician what we think, feel and know means nothing to them. We know who the crooks are. That is why they call in college professors to degrade our President and try to make him look like a crook,  These people were not material witnesses to any of the facts of the case, yet they set there smugly and told America the President who gave us back jobs and self-respect and greatness as a nation needed to be impeached for doing his job. 
 Only one of the four had a lick of common sense.  And like Mark Twain said  Cammon Sense ain't all that common. That is more true in the DC bubble and universities than anywhere you go in America. 
 Revolt against the morons in the elite who think you are stupid for paying the tax they force on you and who believe they deserve the fruits of YOUR labor while they sit in their ivory towers or go on trips all over the globe on your dime as they smugly look down on you and call you stupid. 
That is what Pelosi and her ILK really think of you, and she really showed her colors [ all white] at the STOTU when she looked down on our president and gave him a smug and hateful tiny mocking hand jesture after he had just laid out all the great things he is doing for our country while praising and honoring the "forgotten Man" she despises.

We have seen such people in the self proclaimed Nobility of France in the 1600's.  Then the masses got tired of being told to eat cake when they were actually starving.  Their reaction led to the loss of a lot of the large powedered heads for these arrogant elite snobs.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Delaware State Senator objects to muhammadan opening the session with Anti American 'invocation"

Many Americans continue to be deceived by muhammadans. Here one Man, Honorable State Senator David Lawson of Delaware was not afraid to rebut the muhammadan speaker who gave anAnti American "invocation" at the recent opening of the Delaware Senate.

Hon. Senator Lawson,
I just read your rebuttal against having a muhammadan pray before the Delaware Senate.  I am proud that you took a stand against their Creeping Sharia.  I am sure you are fully aware of the muhammadan attempt to effect a Stealth Jihad against America. They know they cannot defeat us militarily, and you are living proof of that fact. So they have devised an insidious way of spreading their Theocracy all across America.  I saw from the foolish members of the senate standing behind the podium that it is sickening to see so many people buying into this conquest of our great nation.  The plan of the muhammadan conquest of America is to infiltrate our nation at every level.  They wish to get people on City Council, in the Police Force, in School Boards, and in the House and Senate of every town, municipality, state and Congressional district of America. 
When facing criticism on speaking out against their attempts to conquer US in this way, it is imperative that they be challenged as a legitimate Religion.
The people of islam call themselves that because it is conquest hidden in plain sight.  Islam in Arabic means Submission. Their goal is to make every person on earth submit to their Pagan idol who is really and historically none other than Magog that the Assyrians, Babylonians and other Pagan ancient Tribes of the middle east followed.  Further, the Koran is not a holy book inspired by god . Muhammad did not write it because he was illiterate.  There is no actual substantive “Theology” behind what they have come to call islam.  It is more appropriately called Muhammadanism, since it is a cult following of a very evil warlord who lived in Saudi Arabia 622 AD before it was even a nation.  His main occupation was killing the European merchants crossing through the “Silk Route” to trade further East. Muhammad devised his Theocratic Cult in order to build his army . HE did this by telling them the many lies we hear today.  His plan was simple. Tell the Merchants they had three options in crossing through the Silk Road. 1. Deny Jesus and say allah is the only god. 2. Pay a very high penalty in gold, silver or your merchandise called the Jizra 3. Stand your ground and the price is to have your heads cut off.  It was not difficult to convince the insane inbred Bedouin tribesmen to join . Becoming a Muhammadan meant instant wealth and glory, and the reward of untold numbers of women subjugated to your every whim.  In that way, this madman garnered much wealth, slaves, and a murderous army.  MUHAMMADANDISM  IS NOT A RELIGION THEY ARE A BARBARIAN PAGAN CULT OF LIARS AND THIEVES. THEY HAVE NO THEOLOGY. THEY RELY ON A STRONG MILITARY AND ABJECT SUPPRESSION OF ALL WHO BLINDLY FOLLOW.   When you think of muhammadans, think more on the lines of Jim Jones or Charles Manson.

You may have seen this, but it is a copy of the muslim brotherhood plan as carried out by CAIR, ISNA and other muhammadan fronts who use their Jizra funds to spread violent terror all over the globe.  Please read the attached MB document captured by the FBI before Obama corrupted it.

I support all patriots,

Will Rodgers

Saturday, October 26, 2019

His opponents "Hate Him Because they Ain't Him"

     In a recent President Trump rally in texas September 2019, people were asked why they like President Trump and why the MSM and Democrats hate him so much. Here's my response:

     President Trump is the best person to restore America.  He is forward-looking yet he knows that the foundation of America is what got US to be the number one power on the planet. democrats forget all the hard work, sacrifice and lives it took to make America a Great Nation.  They are like spoiled rich kids who inherited all this wealth and power from hard-working parents, and now they think they can just sit back and ride on the hard work and ingenuity of their parents. Look at that kind of person.  You will find that they often just spend and spend and forget about the future and protecting and enlarging the great comfy nest egg they inherited.  Note too that most of them are dead broke in a few years due to their irresponsibility and lack of appreciation for the blessings they received.

    President Trump did not have to do this. He had billions, lived a plush lifestyle, but he wanted to preserve that kind of success for his children, grandchildren and the millions of Americans who have the same drive and ambition to make the best of what they have rather than just live off the fat of the land instead of working to continue to improve on the great foundations and successful philosophy that brought us to this greatness. 

     He is so true to his word. He does not even take a salary, instead, he donates his pay to various agencies or causes that grow America.  Compare that to the Democrats who have a long and proven history of using their political positions to steal and cheat America out of everything they can get their hands on.  In addition, as is now coming out much of their wealth was made from selling America out to the enemy.  

     These people should be tried for treason. The short answer as to why these people have such a visceral hate for our President can be found in the movie about Kim Jong-UN "The Interview":  Simply put -

"They hate him because they ain't him"

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Pseudo Intellectual Rob George decides to join the Muhammadan Cult

This is a response to an article in the Washington Standard last week,by  Robert George titled "Christians and Muslims [he means muhammadans] Must Join Hands- Never Again should they Regard Themselves as Enemies"  This is my response to this laughable propaanda:

This article paints a picture of love and friendship between Christians and muhammadans. It is a farce. It says America is corrupt and has always maintained a White bias against other races. In other words, Christians are on the wrong side of human morality and muhammadans are the most moral and peace-loving theocratic cult on the planet. It says that for all of us to get along we should accept the 'peace-loving muhammadan ' myth. Thus, it says to follow what muhammad taught and his followers have practiced for years. Their "Peace" is predicated on the belief that when ALL people of the world bow down to Allah and Subject themselves to the pagan ancient tribal law of Sharia, then there will be peace in the world. It mentions nothing of the murderous actions of muhammad or the subsequent 1400+ years of bloodletting associated with "proselytizing " new muhammadans. It does not mention the subversion and underhanded forced maintenance of their membership of women and nonbelievers who are beaten, maimed, stoned and sliced up if they decide they no longer believe in the muhammadan cult. I'd say it is just another pile of muhammadan propaganda being spread by a fool Robert George, who decided 'intellectually" to join the Cult. Will they let him be so outspoken if he decides to leave the cult next year? " The wisdom of man is foolishness to God Almighty"

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

SCOTUS Makes another Futile Attempt to Sort out Gender

This is a response to SCOTUS First October 2019  Docket hearing of three cases where they have been asked to determine what the word 'sex' means in Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  Not withstanding the fact that God has already decided that case the day He Created Man and Woman.

Ginsberg is wrong. In 1964 there were not that many fags claiming to be the opposite gender of what their X or Y denotes you as a male or a female. The Supreme Court could only have based the decision on biological facts and social norms of the day. It is only in recent years that the fags have added 'gender confusion' to the mix. So a strict interpretation of the 1964 decision should only be based on biological fact; not perverted social norms which have changed drastically since that earlier "Civil Rights Ruling".

Alito and Roberts are right. The Court is overstepping its boundaries. God created distinctly only two sexes: Male and Female. The Supreme Court cannot judge God's decision or His preference for the necessity of maintaining His original design in order to preserve the human species. The biological design necessitates separate and distinct genders in order to procreate in a natural human desire to preserve us from extinction. Sorry SCOTUS there is a much Higher Authority Who has already decided this case.
Please exercise a kinder Civil Right and allow Ginsberg to go home and take a nap. God will handle the rest.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

America: Facing a Coup d'Etat After 240 Years as a Stable Republic

Thanks to the Democrat Party and the corruption in Congress on both sides the United States of America is facing a Coup d'etat  such as we have seen happen in lesser countries around the world.
The only well run, law and order National Republic remaining on this planet is facing dire extinction. 
The writers of the Constitution created one of the greatest documents for running a civilized government based on the GOD GIVEN rights of man.  This document and our nation has become the beacon of hope for a weary world run mostly by evil people who only strive for individual power ar the expense of the rights ad wealth of their own people.

While the Constitution is inspired by God making it the most unique document for the creation of a well tun, and for the most part fair and balanced form of governing between leadership and the general population, it seems it missed one key ingredient.  The focus of the writers as we see from their later writings in the Federalist Papers was on the possible attacks on this new Republic from Foreign force and influence.  It seems they missed domestic and internal threats to the republic.  There seems to be no mention or thought given to how the Republic should respond to what we are seeing today:  A well planned internal Coupd'Etat against a sitting President.  Yes, there are great checks and balances, and there is a system of Impeachment laid out to counter the possibility of holding the President accountable for actual crimes he may commit. It does not address what we are seeing today and that is the entrapment of the president by using spies and unlawful surveillance of his every action, word, and deed.  We are experiencing the attempted illegal demise of a duly elected President based on hatred and resentment against actions he has taken which are policies to which his opponents are averse. 
The former president and members of his administration laid out a plan to remove the next president elected by the people if that president was not the one they wanted in the White House. The reason for this is that the previous Administration had set out on a path for America's planned destruction in keeping in line with the global plans to create a One World Government run by the United Nations.  For years the United States of America has been the strongest and wealthiest nation in the world.  IN the face of this one STRONG REPUBLIC which stood in the way of the Global Elite plans, they had to devise a plan to remove America as the only and largest single obstacle to their diabolical plans.  Over the years they helped elect like-minded thinkers to the house and Senate. Then they used that leverage to help elect like-minded presidents who would appoint like-minded judges, and place like-minded leaders of our key global [CIA] and domestic [ FBI ] law enforcement agencies in power.  Some of this worked, but as voters started seeing through these plots o wrest our precious Republic from the hands of the PEOPLE who really own it, they started losing the battle for control of this Nation.  Next, they turned too internal destruction by then using all these traitorous plants against the Republic and thus subvert our Democratic Republic in the courts and through our election process.  They made some headway on the 70's getting a weak President who was easily controlled by the Globalists at the UN in office.  One of America's worst failures in the White House, Jimy Carter.  America reacted by electing Ronald Reagan, but though he was a great defender of the Constitution he could not last, and then the American voter faltered and was duped again, and again:  They followed with the election of more corrupt globalists who were bought and paid for by international Global interests.  The worst being the corrupt Clintons, and Obama who was supposed to be able to take down America in two terms. That did not happen fully, though he did end up crippling our Republic.  The Globalists failed to get old lady Clinton elected to finish the job. That is the real reason they are trying so hard to remove President Trump.
he American voter seem to be easily duped, but they are in some cases getting better educated.

We all need to understand we are constantly being duped, swayed and brainwashed by lies.
Most voters do not know that every Republican President elected since Dwitght D. Eisenhower has been threatened with impeachment.  Given this fact, only one, Richard Nixon, left office rather than face the lies and diabolical torment of the Democrats.

Then demented Democrats know they cannot actually get a vote in both houses to remove President Trump, and he is a fighter stronger and with more might and right on his side than Nixon, so we are in for an epic battle that will hold the balance of or Dear Republic on the delicate scales of justice.  Pray that the Truth triumphs over the Global view.

Here is a part of the argument and flimsy evidence the Left has strategized on:  It is weak and capricious.  You be the judge: Contact your senator and Congressmen and tell them as your employees how they should decide. 

This particular "Whistle-blower is a CIA operative of the Deep State planted by John Brennan who was planted as a muhammadan Jihadist operative by Obama. All of these coup d'Etat plans were well thought out from the moment President Trump came down that Escalator at Trump Tower to announce he was going to save America from these corrupt bastards. Now, the corruption runs so deep that only the institution of Marshall law and selective punishment for proven traitors who are a part of this coup d'Etat are dealt with in the public arena. That would mean a full year, at least, of military-style tribunals televised 7/24 on C-Span. Only that much exposure and disclosure of the enemies of America will ever convince the American Public of the truth while exposing all the lies we have been told for years.

Pray for the salvation of our Republic.  The last time we went through this type of nation destroying conflict was our Civil War in the 1860's.  We made it through that one, let's pray we make it at least another 250 years.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Is Iran Goading the US into a war?

The Houthi Rebels are a band of ignorant camel drivers being used by Iran who actually performed the attack on Saudi Arabia. It is the 1400 year war between the Sunni [Arabs] and the Shite [ iranians].
Though we do not want to see Iran continue to be the bad boy bully in the area, we may be getting into a battle that does not have any meaning to US interests other than preventing a serious bad actor from dominating the Middle East.

Option one: IF we have solid proof that the dozen or more drones who struck the Saudi oil production are from Iran, then this is an open act of war against our strong ally in the Middle East. We must respond.

Response: quietly form a coalition between the Saudi's, and Israel led by the US, and instantly launch a surprise attack against all of their strategic military while having our navy take out ALL Iranian Guard ships in the area along with taking over all their ports. At the moment prior to the launch, tell Putin what you're doing and warn him to stay out. He may even offer to join in on our side because he has had nothing but trouble from the muhammadans all across Russia in his muhammadian held states. Place a further blockade around them and confiscate any tanker no matter what flag to deny them financing a protracted war. Be sure to destroy every form of nuclear production and all military infrastructure.

Option two:, let the Saudi's deal with it and watch Iran dominate the area. While doing so, systematically take out all known Jihadists stationed in the US. Let the FBI continue counter-insurgency in the Mosques after declaring CAIR, ISNA and others on the pre-2012 FBI list as Terrorists organizations that no longer can operate freely and tax-free in the US.

We should avoid war at all costs. However, Iran is desperate to start a war believing it will revive its economy. They should look to Iraq, next door and see how that works. If they do attack any US military positions, it could be a short and temporary gesture that would prove fatal to them. However, if Turkey which is as much as a NATO ally to the US as other weak, US hating allies in the region joins on the side of Iran, and Russia follows suit we'd be facing WWIII and as strong as the US is in military dominance, we would simply be outnumbered. The EU would sit on their hands and supply weapons to our enemy while Israel, the weak but well-armed Saudis may help but would be like the Brits helping us in WWII, and possibly GB and a few others may help. Diplomacy will be the best way to settle this. But who's ever heard of successful diplomacy with radical Terrorists who believe ALL will one day rule the world. One other fear is that a response attack on Iran will be followed by the activation of all the Terrorists they have placed in the US via illegal border crossings. These thugs will target infrastructure and military facilities here along with our energy supply. They will conduct suicide bombings at Malls and sporting events. It would be up to our National Guard, which is not up to the job or trained for it to handle the internal strife we'd face. In that case, we would need a well-armed Militia to take them out ASAP, and there is already adequate evidence of where their training camps are located. Would the US have the guts to target the military strongholds and weapons and munitions supplies that have been hidden away in the thousands of Mosques they've built across America over the years? These are hard questions folks, and there are no good answers other than reliance on God and asking

Monday, August 26, 2019

Problems Caused by Clinton and Obama lack of USCIS Enforcement

It's the USCIS [ United States Customs and Immigration Service] is tasked with immigration rulings and screening Legal applicants. The words of the current immigration laws are also "quite clearly written" , but under globalists like obama,  Clinton and the Bushes they simply were not enforced. Read USCIS ACT 212 which states an entire list of reasons people crossing our borders become "Inadmissible" to become citizens. Let's start with the fact that if you break our laws you are "Inadmissible". Thus, the act of illegally entering our country is breaking the law, makes you an "Inadmissible" illegal criminal alien: Enforcement ended in 1992 (Clinton and as far back as Carter} .

Open this link to USCIS and review the list of acts and categories that make a person "Inadmissible" to enter the US or to obtain citizenship:  It will surprise many, and help Liberals to respect the Law more:

Here are a few:

Note, any person practicing Polygamy is "Inadmissible" Any one who is involved in Terrorism, or human trafficking is "Inadmissible" i.e. any muslim or ISIS person, or Ilhan Omar who lied on her USCIS application are legally "Inadmissible" So you want to talk "Clearly Written words" Google USCIS ACT-212 and you'll find plenty of them which are not being enforced.

I would urge President Trump to have the Justice Department review the USCIS enforcement and practice of creating "waivers" to circumvent the law. He,more than any President in the past 50 years, is using ICE to enforce removal of  illegals who flaunt our Legal system.  He already has put out an order saying they must enforce the rule on sponsors of immigrants. He needs to clean house of the liberals and aliens who work there at USCIS.

Liberals like to dream of the millions of immigrants who floated easily through Ellis Island in the 1880's. Noting is further from the truth. First, Ellis Island was there as a Quarantine location for immigrants' IF they had any disease or physical defect they got sent back on the ship they entered from and were  denied reentry, Same goes for a Sponsor. You had to have a Relative or friend "Sponsor you or you had to have a job to get into the US. Obama ordered the USCIS agents to ignore this long standing law, along with many other requirements. 

The only difference we see today is that President Trump is telling the world the US is going back to being a Nation of Laws, whereas obama ran the US as a lawless rogue nation like his native Kenya.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

So People want to Know Why Hong Kong People are Upset

The Hong Kong issue goes back to the 1830's and the Opium wars.  The Brits had  gained a foothold on the mainland coast of Canton. It was a rich trade port and the Brits East India Company did a brisk trade in Hong Kong.  Then the Opium Wars broke out, and it was found that more than 12 million people in the area were addicted to Opium, and the Chinese government wanted to contain the epidemic. The Brits were making money on this deal, and were also supplying their own people with illegal opium. {Answer to why Lewis Carroll and Lord Byron had such imaginations] In the end, the Brits prevailed, and in 1841-2 they took control [paying the Chinese 6 million in silver coins for the Provence and made {Canton Provence} Hong Kong one of their many colonies they established all over the globe - Treaty of Nanking.
The people of Hong Kong became highly westernized, and acquired a desire for things western. Despite the horrors the Japs inflicted on them during their occupation from 1441 to 45 the Rape of Nanking where the Japs opened the first major offensive in the Pacific.  The people of Hong Kong were only truly liberated by US Naval and Marine forces who had just taken Okinawa and defeated the JAPS.  The US had to liberate over 30,000 Canadian and Brit troops who had been taken prisoner during their weak and  failed attempts to take back their colony. During the liberation, the Russians took a combined 50,000 civilian and JAP prisoners.
So, after all this turmoil, Hong Kong was restored to it's "Colony Status.  In 1997, the weak spineless  Brits who have never done anything diplomatically correct in their recent 200 year history ceded Hong Kong back to mainland Chine.  As is their process the deal was a mis- managed grueling ordeal that is to be finalized in June 2020.  Kind of like the BREXIT fiasco -deal no deal that sounds like Howie Mandels show "Backstop, No Deal , Who knows?.  The Brits haven't the will or the Whit to make any clean or proper diplomatic deals.
So what's the problem.  China has the deal with the Brits who Waffle on everything in endless uncertainty.  The people of Hong Kong have lived like Westerners and shared the same wealth and freedom of most in the West. The Chinese Confucian mindset requires strict rule over every aspect of a person's life.  Kind of what the DNC is pushing for in the US.  Natural man desires freedom and the ability to express himself and get a fair and equal voice in his life.  The Chinese have already sent many signals that that will no longer be the case once June 202 comes around.  In advance they are already saying to the a Hong Kong guy who has been living the life of Riley an who makes 100 times what the average Chinese 'coolie' makes in the mainland will be expected to tow the line of the Communist Chinese restrict, non humanitarian rule.  Let's face it folks Chinese want to look 'progressive ' to the world only to make money and to continue to lie, cheat , steal and manipulate to gain their goals.  This is what President Trump is dealing with. In the final analysis, they are no different than MAO, just a bit richer  at some special strata.  They are going the way of Russian history with a revolution that only barely lasted 70 years until the Proletariat realized that the only people living the good life were at the top.  That's all of human history folks.

Friday, July 5, 2019

Nike controversy reveals more about Kaspernicks Anti Americanism

Response to DonalsdTrump Jr's tweet concerning the Nike decision to discontinue the  Air Max 1 Quick Strike shoe that had the original Betsy Ross flag on it becasue it was deemed "too controversial " by Kolin Kaspernick as egged on by his muhammadan girlfriend Nessa Diab.

 Kaepernick should put this logo:
on his uniform  right under his name along with the Crescent moon and star of islam.  His real motivation for his anti American views stem from his muhammadan girlfriend , Nessa Diab, who is well versed in the Muslim Brotherhood's Memorandum to North American Muhammadans which states in its prologue  a summary of their goals to Destroy and conquer America :

"“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

She is an Anti American follower of this cult, and her radical support of the Black Lives Matter movement, plus her personal 'cultural jihad' have been instrumental in furthering the plans laid out in the muslim brotherhood document detailing  how to destroy America from within.

Kapepernick [with all his brains in the head of his penis]  is a useful and influential tool to further her agenda.  It may surprise people to know that raadical muhammadan thinking like hers has dramatic and negative effects on an open and receptive culture like we enjoy in America.  That is because rather than fight their thinking with logic, we cave in based on emotional appeal of their radical positions. This inherent weakness to rely on emotional appeal of any controversy rather than common sense, logic, or legal and cultural precedent is seen by muhammadans as a major weakness in America and our Achilles Heel in their Cultural Jihad against US.  Her recent tweet and photo comparing Baltimore Ravens owner Steve Biscotti to a slave owner resulted in many  weak minded NBA teams to respond by dropping the term "Owner" since they were convinced by the muhammadan emotional appeal that it denoted "slave owners" buying and selling people.   

Of course, the real irony is that the Quran blesses the  muhammadn practice of slavery all over the globe. They justify slavery as it is laid  out as an inherent right of the muhammadan conqueror in their own Quran [ chapters and verses:  2:178; 4:24; 8:69;16:75;23:5-6;24:32;33:50] most of these verses refer to making women sex slaves].  While it is fashionable to blame Russia  given the past  three years of MSM and Democrat emotional hype against them, a closer look would reveal our real enemy is the Stealth Jihadists hiding among US.

Friday, June 28, 2019

UN Mass Migration Plan of 2018 vs National Sovereignty

The question is often asked if the millions of people invading our nation or others are  to receive immediate "refugee status" and be protected by by the 1951 Geneva convention migrant proposal? Can the UN Global Mass Migration Plan of 2018 be imposed and enforced on Sovereign Nations under International Law? Are people crossing any Nation's borders automatically considered political refugees and instantly granted Asylum?  Here are some thoughts.

They are not refugees. They are illegal people migrating here [pick any Sovereign Nation]for economic reasons. While the 1951 Refugee Genevia Convention { a piece of worthless paper written by the UN has been used by Lise Kingo, head of UN Global Mass Migration Plan {UNGMMP} to move people groups all over the globe like pawns, The US Laws, [which govern you and all US citizens still states in USCIS that a person must apply to gain any status and to be considered eligible. Please read USCIS ACT 212.] Just being within US borders gives you no status , despite what some back bench Activist judge claims, even if you claim you are fleeing persecution. You can fill out your request, but you will be removed. The US has it's own laws defining " Refugee " . The UNGMMP, non-binding under international law,of Feb 2018 [ the name says it all Mr Soros] is another attempt by the muhammadan majority countries of the UN to impose a global Hijraj. Since President Trump took office more nations are joining him in rejecting the insane "globalist " ideas the UN cooks up. As more and more people groups from Africa and the middle east flood the EU several of the 28 members have already rejected the UN Global migration plan.  Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Armenia, Czech Republic and 8 muslim nations have all said "NO" to the UN imposed GMMP insanity. Italy and Greece are teetering on the edge. Nikki Haley made it clear the US will not partake in the UN insanity. So no,  not all illegal migrants get a pass based on some UN proposal. Many nations still believe maintaining their own Sovereignty.

Monday, June 24, 2019

What are some Predictions in History that Came True?

Answer to a Question from Quora 6/24/2019

In at least 8 books of the Old Testament, the birth, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ is accurately foretold thousands of years prior to the Blessed Event.
Jesus dictated the Book of Revelation to His Apostle John. In that book many events that are currently taking place are accurately foretold.
For more information on accurate Historical predictions, Google Jonathan Chan on You Tube plus read his books: The Harbinger, The Shemitah. The Mysteries and see his many detailed lectures concerning modern day events that were Foretold thousands of years ago and which took place on the exact dates and times in this and the last century.

According to  Tim Chaffey 12/24/12,  Jesus Christ is unique among all other "religious" figures that have ever lived.  First off they all are dead, and historically most of their graves are clearly marked. Jesus has no Grave because He Lives.  Yes there is a tomb in Jerusalem where His human body resided for 3 days. However, it is empty because He Conquered death as we know it, and He Lives.

The Unique Savior

While thinking about the circumstances surrounding Christ’s birth, Christians can rejoice that the Messiah has come to earth and dealt with our sin. We can praise God for fulfilling His promises. and we can have complete confidence that He will always be faithful to do what He has declared.
Despite what many believe today, the religions and religious leaders of the world are not the same. Many people in our culture promote the ridiculous claim that Jesus was just another religious leader—a good person who tried to make life better for others—but Jesus is unique in so many respects. He alone was a “good person” since He lived a sinless life. Every other religious leader has been sinful and needed a Savior. But Jesus did not need a savior; He is the Savior.
There are no prophecies foretelling details about the birth of other religious leaders. No prophecies alerted the world to the coming of Muhammad (Islam), Joseph Smith (Mormonism), David Koresh (Branch Davidians), Charles Taze Russell (Jehovah’s Witnesses), Siddhartha Gautama (Buddhism), or any other founder of the world’s religions. Yet the Old Testament pinpointed numerous details about the life of the Son of God and Savior of the world.
So what do these prophecies tell us about Jesus? In just the first two chapters of Matthew, we see that God foretold the virginal conception of the Messiah, who would be born in Bethlehem, yet in some way would come out of Egypt and be called a Nazarene. We also see that bitter agony would grip the mothers in that area.
In the genealogy recorded in Matthew’s first chapter, we discover the fulfillment of several other Old Testament prophecies. Jesus was from the line of Abraham (Genesis 12:3), Isaac (Genesis 26:4), Jacob (Genesis 28:14), Judah (Genesis 49:8–12), Jesse (Isaiah 11:1), and David (Isaiah 9:7). But that’s not all. A search through the rest of Scripture would reveal dozens of other details prophesied about the Messiah, including the following facts:
Many other prophecies could be listed that were perfectly fulfilled in the life of Jesus Christ. These were not lucky guesses made by fraudulent prognosticators; they were precise predictions made by the all-knowing God of the Bible who repeatedly demonstrated that He has perfect knowledge of all past, present, and future events. Consequently, we can be completely confident that He will always make good on His promises and that those future events He has foretold will certainly come to pass.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

History : Iranian Controversy 2019

This is my answer to a person on Quora who wanted to know why President Trump was in her narrow view creating a mess in Iran.  

The premise of your question shows you are looking into the wrong end of the telescope. If you want to finger the person who created the Iranian monster in the middle east it is obama. He selected Iran to be the central strong man in the middle east because of the common interest he has with them: the Islamic Revolution in 1979 started by taking over the US Embassy and holding all Americans hostage captive for a year while Jimmy Carter the second worst anti American president to obama did nothing. The moment President Ronald Reagan took office the hostages were released. The Iranians knew that Reagan, like President Trump put America first.
Muhammadans are Pagan tribal people who only respect power. A conciliatory approach by the west from people like carter, obama, clinton is seen as a sign of weakness. Like mad dogs they attack if they sense you fear them. History repeatedly shows that they only respect strength, determination, and power. In order to keep them in line over the years they have to be beaten, and badly. In 732 they invaded Europe. Charles Martel drove them back and slaughtered them mercilessly. It took another 1000 years before the second wave led by the Ottoman Turks invaded from the east in 1683. Again, they were defeated by then a unified Europe. However, in the meantime the siege by sea had already conquered the weaker parts of Europe in Spain, Portugal and France. The North African muhammadan tribes were regularly invading the Scandanavian countries with regular coastal raids, and enslaving their people and selling their women as sex slaves.
Today the new muhammadan tactic has reverted back to the stealth conquest of the Hijra that muhammad used to conquer Medina in 622. Originally he was invited by Jews and Christians who migrated to the town of Yathrib because they were no longer welcomed in Mecca. Within a few years muhammadans and a large part of the Yathrib population who “converted” became the majority of the population, and muhammad took over and renamed the town Medina. He then rewarded the Christians and Jews who had invited him there by slaughtering them.
The stealth conquest of the EU is just history repeating itself. Just like conquest of Mecca[Yathrib] “migrants” are moving West not for political reasons, but as a stealth invasion force intent on talking all of Europe; destroying Christianity and Judiasim and establishing a Caliphate that would extend from India to Portugal, and possibly include UK. In America obama helped usher in the stealth caliphate here by flooding key cities with ‘muhammadan refugees’ with the intent to “Fundamentally Change America.
All President Trump is trying to do is to undo the 8 years of damage from the ‘stealth muhamadan invasion’ done by his predecessor. As a part of that effort, he must undo the political, economic and nuclear weapons of Iran that obama brought about with his devious and illegal policies. The world must contain the mad Ayatollahs of The old Persian Empire who want to see a global Theocracy dominating and subjugating the planet. As a muhammadan apologist, obama started this conflict by aiding and abetting he enemy. President Trump is here to put out the fire.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Muhammadans Falsely Claim Ties to Ishmael the Illigitimate son of Abraham?

As a follow up to my earlier  post on 4/28/19 muhammadan fake claim that their legitimacy comes from the claim that Ishmael the illegitimate son of Abraham by his wife's Egyptian slave Hagar, I ask any expert on the Cult of muhammad to explain  WHY?
Every member of the 'peaceful ' muhammadan cult is taught from birth to hate all Jews and Christians.
Now I know that muhammadans are an damaged inbred cult having practiced intermarriage with their own blood relatives for over 1400 years. As a Result, the gene pool of this tribe is  severely damaged. Could that be the reason they have so much hatred of the Jews while at the same time try to prove they are a legitimate decedent of the Father of Judaism, Abraham.
To help the reader, it is key to note that Abraham was from the City of UR on the Euphrates River in what today would be near the border of Iraq and Iran North Northwest of the Persian Gulf.  He was born around 1945 B.C,. His illegitimate son, Ishmael, born of disobedience to Jehovah God and was a teen when Isaac Abraham's legitimate son my his Wife Sarah was God's gift to Abraham and a key player in the formation of the Jewish people Chosen by God for his protection and perpetuation.
On the other hand, muhammad was an illiterate bedouin thief and murder who was born about 625 AD.  This was nearly 3,000 years after Abraham. Since he could neither read or write, and since the bedouins were a pagan itinerant tribe wondering the sands of Arabia, he was not the author of the Koran. In fact even the his Cult following cannot say for sure when he was born. Bedouins , unlike the Jews have almost no records of any kind. Thus the writings of the Koran are not verified , traceable, and historically as accurate as the Scriptures of the Jews of which a part morphed into followers of Jesus fulfilling thousands of years of Scriptural predictions by the Jews themselves.

So I have two questions of the Quraish   tribal followers of muhammad. One, since you know muhammad did not write the Quaran, you do not know the date of his birth, and you do know that the
Quaran was written years after his death from the memories of his sayings and alleged revelations to him  by the Angel Gabriel. The other book the Cult relies on is the Hadith which is simply a book of hear say as to what muhammad said and did during his lifetime.  The book is filled with stories of him and his many wives and conquests.  None of it is historically verified by any outside secular source, nor are there any surviving original texts.  In the case of the Holy Bible which the Quran borrows heavily from more than 90% of the texts are original in both Hebrew and Greek.  Also they are collaborated by secular histories which affirm the truth in the text.
My second question is simply WHY?
Why do the muhammadans spend so much effort proving they are descendants of Ishmael?  While throughout the muhammadan Cult great disdain and hatred for the Jews is replete in everything they say and do.  Iran calls for the death of all Jews on the planet.  So explain why you would try to legitimize your fake cult by proving you are the descendants of the father of Judaism, Abraham?? Sounds like some Freudian perverted wish to kill your father??

False Flags in New Zealand and Australia created by Jihadists

It is unfortunate that the world is quickly shrinking for Christians and Jews. All this is predicted in Scripture, but it is accelerating faster than I expected. The false flag killings at a mosque in New Zealand follow the pattern of terror against their own people in order to exact sympathy, and move their Jihad further into Western nations.. Can’t believe the Aussies were dumb enough to fall for that one. Now New Zealand and Australia are in play by the global jihad. OF course, the US too is being infiltrated [ even have 2 in congress] All over the globe the muhammadans are using muhammads’ classic Hijrah : Invasion by migration to expand and conquer. There are two ways to stop them. One, shut the gates and do not allow any muslims to enter your country, or do what the Spanish did. They were slowly taken over starting in 711, and subjugated all the Christians and Jews in Spain. Finally by the 1400’s the Spanish expelled them by force, and with the backing of the Catholic Inquisition. By 1502 they made islam illegal in Spain. Responding to the latest muhammadan invasion Spain in Jan 2015 passed a law banning any muhammadan entering the country from North Africa even if they are pasing through to other EU countries. The EU Migration Control [ who have put themselves in charge of world wide migration control said Spain was at risk of losing their Asylum status, but the Spanish held, and so far are one of about 9 of the 22 EU nations who are protecting themselves from the muhammadan Hijrah conducted against the EU. Jihad goal is to destroy all Western Culture and ethnic nations and replace them with the Pagan Tribal Barbaric practices of the Cult of muhammad. They are doing the same in the US, but so far the US is the strongest nation standing. Our weakness is the capitulation to the argument that this pagan godless cult of barbarians are a legitimate religion when in fact they are a Militarized Theocracy who have one goal: Subjugation to all peoples of the world to the Pagan muhammadan system of submission. The entire globe must stop this cancer. As it stands now more and more nations as we see in this article are bowing down to the muhammadans bringing the world closer to the final conflict where the only option left for the Lord Jesus is to wipe this evil cult from the face of the earth once and for all times.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Brief note on the muhammadan claim that they are related to the tribes of Abraham

There has been much confusion over the years about the terms Arab and Muslim or Muhammadan being used interchangeably. Followers of the Cult of Muhammad are not necessarily Arabs. People also have been led to believe that Muhammadans are an ancient religion. Fact is that Muhammad was a Bedouin trader who lived in tents; a migrant tribal leader who hung out around the cities of Mecca and Medina on the Arabian Peninsula. He created his Pagan Tribal Cult in around 620 AD, so it is not “Ancient”. The Jewish Tribes of Abraham were all over the Middle East for thousands of years. Abraham received his Covenant for the area known today as Israel in 1943 BC [April 10 ]to be exact which is the key to the validity of the Holy Scriptures.
The Word of the Bible is true and accurate by historic, Archaeological, and secular writings. It is exact. However, Saudi Arabia comprised of many other Bedouin tribes was not formed as a country until 1744 AD. A big part of Muhammad’s Taqiyya is his claim that because of Abraham’s illegitimate son, Ishmael,by his wife’s Egyptian servent Muhammad claimed to be part of the Jewish Covenant. However, unlike the Jews muhammadans have no accurate historic writings that can go back even one generation into muhammad’s family tree. In fact, unlike the Jews who were prolific writers, accountants and record keepers bedouins ,like muhammad , were mostly illiterate. Thus, the muhammadan lie that they can trace their heritage back over 2000 years easily falls flat in the face of historical fact. So no Arabs are not semites nor are they related to the tribes of Abraham. Even the term Semite was a mistaken misnomer coined by a German history professor in 1770 in an attempt to trace the history of Shem and Noaha’s other 3 sons. Lord knows he got that all wrong, and his attempt at etymology was as dismal as his knowledge of the Bible Scriptures. Do not be misled by Satan’s agents who have laid historic IED’s like this all over Academia. I Corinthians 3:19 ” For the wisdom of men is foolishness to God; HE is the One Who catches the wise in their Craftiness”

Saturday, April 13, 2019

We are a Chrisian Nation that needs Forgiveness

This is a response to an article by Jake Macauly Posted on Freedom Outpost Web Page April 12, 2019 titled.:

Yes since the 1600's and the Mayflower Compact [1620], Christianity was in the hearts and minds of all who came to America. The Mayflower document was a Covenant modeled after the Abrahamic Covenant God made with man in the Old Testament.  Madison and Jefferson were both Christians, as were a majority of the folks who signed the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  The vary LAW of the US is based on the Bible and the 10 Commandments as laid out in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 4. Chaplains were introduced into the Continental Army by then General George Washington.  The day Washington was inaugurated as the First President  in NYC he walked over to St Paul's Chapel one block away on Broadway. He knelt and prayed a blessing on the US confirming the Covenant our Nation had with Almighty God of our Christian Bible.  Over the years, just as it happened in ancient Israel,the people forgot their roots and turned from God. God's Covenant clearly says that He would not protect and help the nation prosper as he did for 200 years if we honored our promise to Him.  Over the past 100 years we have broken our promise to God. That is why we find ourselves asking stupid questions like "Are we a Christian Nation"?  Our God is a forgiving God , and he gave us a way back to Him in 2 Chronicles 7:14 "Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land." God also helps His people by giving them someone who can help bring about their restoration. For the Jews in 560 BC it was Cyrus, a Pagan leader of Assyria who freed them from the captivity under the Babylonians.  God often selects the least likely person for His work only because we cannot understand why or how He rules the Universe.  We were given another chance in 2016.  We are a Christian Nation, that is under attack by pagan and false teachings. We will overcome as long as we unite in our core values 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Some Finally Getting off the Plantation

Here is a great video of Sen Elbert Guillory expressing the correct historical outline about who and what political party hes really helped Blacks and other minorities over the past 170 years:

More and more president Trump is having this constituency come over to his side, and Answer his Campaign Statement "  You have had promises from the Democrats for years, and what do you have now.  Why not try something new. Join me in Making America Great Again.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Entitlement Mentality -Demand for Special Treatment Main Cause of Divided America

Response to a Native American who felt he was losing his entitlement .

Who are you? Sound like some disgruntled indian. We can't go back to the 1490s to give you this land. What would you do with it? Make sense, and get a grip. We are a divided nation because every group under the sun wants special privileged and recognition and compensation for some ill that befell their ancestors.
Danish De Sousa has a good question for you. "How far should we go back to right the perceived wrongs done to all the 'what about me folks' who emerge daily. Blacks, Indians, Hispanics, Fags, all sorts of muhammadan groups, the mentally disabled, handicap folks. You see there are just too many factions. The nation looks like a shattered piece of glass that has so many cracks that we can't see through it clearly. The best thing is to stop letting the tail wag the dog. Get back to the concept of a Republic where we work toward providing the greatest good for the greatest number. By trying to cater to every diverse group no on gets helped. In the end we have to ask who is left to help if everyone you meet is specially entitled. If that is the case then we are all entitled. That being the case who is left to help. All we get is chaos and disappointment that my special need and demand is not met. Use some common sense because this system the liberals are tying to force us into has a dire outcome that is self destructive.